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Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 4. Aufl. Göttingen, 1791.

<< vorherige Seite
[Spaltenumbruch] Ciconia 212
Cigale 345
Cimex 348
Ciron 396
Citellus 71
Citrinchen 189
Citrinella 185
Civette 84
Clam 440
Clay 570
Claquet de Lazare 440
Clio 430
Cloporte 405
Clupea 298
Coaita 61
Coal 668
Coati 86
Cobitis 292
Cobra de cabelo 256
Coccinella 327
Coccothraustes 183
Coccus 351
Cochenille 352
Cochevis 180
Cochinealfly 352
Cochon 117
- d'Inde 81
Cock 204
- of the wood 204
Cockle 439. 441
Codfish 283
Coeur 439
Colibri 170
Collurio 162
Cölnische Erde 670
Coluber 254
Columba 199
Colymbus 220
Combattant 215
Condor 156
Confekt von Tivoli 594
Conops 391
Conterfait 641
[Spaltenumbruch] Conus 447
Coot 216
Coq 204
- de bruyere 204
- de roche 193
Coot 216
Copper 654
Coracias 175
Corall, rothes 467
- schwarzes 468
- weisses 466
Corallenerz 659
Corallina 471
Corax 172
Corbeau 172
Cormoran 224
Cornaline 557
Corneille 173
Corneus 555
Cornix 173
Corundum 565
Corvus 172
Coryphaena 285
Cos 572
Cottonvogel 195
Cottus 285
Coturnix 202
Coucou 177
Couleuvre 254
Cousin 390
Coutelier 438
Cowry shell 449
Crab 400
Craie 593
Crampfish 271
Crane 212
- fly 387
Crapaud 243
Crawfish 402
Crax 206
Crayon noir 674
- rouge 571
Creeper 169
[Spaltenumbruch] Ciconia 212
Cigale 345
Cimex 348
Ciron 396
Citellus 71
Citrinchen 189
Citrinella 185
Civette 84
Clam 440
Clay 570
Claquet de Lazare 440
Clio 430
Cloporte 405
Clupea 298
Coaita 61
Coal 668
Coati 86
Cobitis 292
Cobra de cabelo 256
Coccinella 327
Coccothraustes 183
Coccus 351
Cochenille 352
Cochevis 180
Cochinealfly 352
Cochon 117
d'Inde 81
Cock 204
of the wood 204
Cockle 439. 441
Codfish 283
Coeur 439
Colibri 170
Collurio 162
Cölnische Erde 670
Coluber 254
Columba 199
Colymbus 220
Combattant 215
Condor 156
Confekt von Tivoli 594
Conops 391
Conterfait 641
[Spaltenumbruch] Conus 447
Coot 216
Coq 204
de bruyere 204
de roche 193
Coot 216
Copper 654
Coracias 175
Corall, rothes 467
– schwarzes 468
– weisses 466
Corallenerz 659
Corallina 471
Corax 172
Corbeau 172
Cormoran 224
Cornaline 557
Corneille 173
Corneus 555
Cornix 173
Corundum 565
Corvus 172
Coryphaena 285
Cos 572
Cottonvogel 195
Cottus 285
Coturnix 202
Coucou 177
Couleuvre 254
Cousin 390
Coutelier 438
Cowry shell 449
Crab 400
Craie 593
Crampfish 271
Crane 212
fly 387
Crapaud 243
Crawfish 402
Crax 206
Crayon noir 674
rouge 571
Creeper 169
  <text xml:id="blume_hbnatur_000025">
      <div type="index" n="1">
        <list type="simple">
            <list type="simple">
              <pb facs="#f0727" xml:id="pb711_0001" n="[A7]"/>
                <cb/> <hi rendition="#aq">Ciconia</hi> <ref target="#pb212_0001">212</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cigale</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb345_0001">345</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Cimex</hi> <ref target="#pb348_0001">348</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Ciron</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb396_0001">396</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Citellus</hi> <ref target="#pb071_0001">71</ref>
              <item>Citrinchen <ref target="#pb189_0001">189</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Citrinella</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb185_0001">185</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Civette</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb084_0001">84</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Clam</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb440_0001">440</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Clay</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb570_0001">570</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Claquet de Lazare</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb440_0001">440</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Clio</hi> <ref target="#pb430_0001">430</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cloporte</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb405_0001">405</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Clupea</hi> <ref target="#pb298_0001">298</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coaita</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb061_0001">61</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coal</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb668_0001">668</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coati</hi> <ref target="#pb086_0001">86</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Cobitis</hi> <ref target="#pb292_0001">292</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cobra de cabelo</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb256_0001">256</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coccinella</hi> <ref target="#pb327_0001">327</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coccothraustes</hi> <ref target="#pb183_0001">183</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coccus</hi> <ref target="#pb351_0001">351</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cochenille</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb352_0001">352</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cochevis</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb180_0001">180</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cochinealfly</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb352_0001">352</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cochon</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb117_0001">117</ref>
                <list type="simple">
                  <item>&#x2013; <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">d'Inde</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb081_0001">81</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cock</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb204_0001">204</ref>
                <list type="simple">
                  <item>&#x2013; <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">of the wood</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb204_0001">204</ref></item>
              <item><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">Cockle</hi></hi><ref target="#pb439_0001">439</ref>. <ref target="#pb441_0001">441</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Codfish</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb283_0001">283</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coeur</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb439_0001">439</ref>
              <item>Colibri <ref target="#pb170_0001">170</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Collurio</hi> <ref target="#pb162_0001">162</ref>
              <item>Cölnische Erde <ref target="#pb670_0001">670</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coluber</hi> <ref target="#pb254_0001">254</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Columba</hi> <ref target="#pb199_0001">199</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Colymbus</hi> <ref target="#pb220_0001">220</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Combattant</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb215_0001">215</ref>
              <item>Condor <ref target="#pb156_0001">156</ref></item>
              <item>Confekt von Tivoli <ref target="#pb594_0001">594</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Conops</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb391_0001">391</ref>
              <item>Conterfait <ref target="#pb641_0001">641</ref></item>
                <cb/> <hi rendition="#aq">Conus</hi> <ref target="#pb447_0001">447</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coot</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb216_0001">216</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coq</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb204_0001">204</ref>
                <list type="simple">
                  <item>&#x2013; <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">de bruyere</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb204_0001">204</ref></item>
                  <item>&#x2013; <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">de roche</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb193_0001">193</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coot</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb216_0001">216</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Copper</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb654_0001">654</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coracias</hi> <ref target="#pb175_0001">175</ref>
              <item>Corall, rothes <ref target="#pb467_0001">467</ref><list type="simple"><item>&#x2013; schwarzes <ref target="#pb468_0001">468</ref></item><item>&#x2013; weisses <ref target="#pb466_0001">466</ref></item></list></item>
              <item>Corallenerz <ref target="#pb659_0001">659</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Corallina</hi> <ref target="#pb471_0001">471</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Corax</hi> <ref target="#pb172_0001">172</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Corbeau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb172_0001">172</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cormoran</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb224_0001">224</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cornaline</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb557_0001">557</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Corneille</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb173_0001">173</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Corneus</hi> <ref target="#pb555_0001">555</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Cornix</hi> <ref target="#pb173_0001">173</ref>
              <item>Corundum <ref target="#pb565_0001">565</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Corvus</hi> <ref target="#pb172_0001">172</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coryphaena</hi> <ref target="#pb285_0001">285</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Cos</hi> <ref target="#pb572_0001">572</ref>
              <item>Cottonvogel <ref target="#pb195_0001">195</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Cottus</hi> <ref target="#pb285_0001">285</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Coturnix</hi> <ref target="#pb202_0001">202</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coucou</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb177_0001">177</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Couleuvre</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb254_0001">254</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cousin</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb390_0001">390</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Coutelier</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb438_0001">438</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Cowry shell</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb449_0001">449</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Crab</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb400_0001">400</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Craie</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb593_0001">593</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Crampfish</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb271_0001">271</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Crane</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb212_0001">212</ref>
                <list type="simple">
                  <item>&#x2013; <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">fly</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb387_0001">387</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Crapaud</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb243_0001">243</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Crawfish</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb402_0001">402</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Crax</hi> <ref target="#pb206_0001">206</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Crayon noir</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb674_0001">674</ref>
                <list type="simple">
                  <item>&#x2013; <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">rouge</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb571_0001">571</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">Creeper</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb169_0001">169</ref>
[[A7]/0727] Ciconia 212 Cigale 345 Cimex 348 Ciron 396 Citellus 71 Citrinchen 189 Citrinella 185 Civette 84 Clam 440 Clay 570 Claquet de Lazare 440 Clio 430 Cloporte 405 Clupea 298 Coaita 61 Coal 668 Coati 86 Cobitis 292 Cobra de cabelo 256 Coccinella 327 Coccothraustes 183 Coccus 351 Cochenille 352 Cochevis 180 Cochinealfly 352 Cochon 117 – d'Inde 81 Cock 204 – of the wood 204 Cockle 439. 441 Codfish 283 Coeur 439 Colibri 170 Collurio 162 Cölnische Erde 670 Coluber 254 Columba 199 Colymbus 220 Combattant 215 Condor 156 Confekt von Tivoli 594 Conops 391 Conterfait 641 Conus 447 Coot 216 Coq 204 – de bruyere 204 – de roche 193 Coot 216 Copper 654 Coracias 175 Corall, rothes 467 – schwarzes 468 – weisses 466 Corallenerz 659 Corallina 471 Corax 172 Corbeau 172 Cormoran 224 Cornaline 557 Corneille 173 Corneus 555 Cornix 173 Corundum 565 Corvus 172 Coryphaena 285 Cos 572 Cottonvogel 195 Cottus 285 Coturnix 202 Coucou 177 Couleuvre 254 Cousin 390 Coutelier 438 Cowry shell 449 Crab 400 Craie 593 Crampfish 271 Crane 212 – fly 387 Crapaud 243 Crawfish 402 Crax 206 Crayon noir 674 – rouge 571 Creeper 169

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Zitationshilfe: Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 4. Aufl. Göttingen, 1791, S. [A7]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 18.07.2024.