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Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 5. Aufl. Göttingen, 1797.

<< vorherige Seite
[Spaltenumbruch] Lobster 395
Loche 282
Löffelente 218
-- Gans 202
-- Reiher 202
Loir 75
Loligo 425
Lophius 264
Loricaria 384
Loriot 172
Loris 69
Lote 273
Loup 100
-- cervier 105
Louse 386
Loutre 92
Löwe 103
-- Americanischer 105
Loxia 176
Lucanus 314
Luchs 105
Lucius 286
Ludus Helmontii 590
Lumacchella 588
Lumbricus 412
Lumer 211
Lumpsucker 266
Lüning 182
Lupus 100
Luscinia 183
Lutra 91
Lycaon 101
Lydischer Stein 539
Lynx 105
Macao 158
Macareux 219
Mackrel 281
Maconne 449
Mactra 432
Madenwurm 411
Madrepora 461
[Spaltenumbruch] Magnesia 622
Magnesium 685
Magnet 664
Magpye 168
Main de ladre 464
Mainate 169
Maisdieb 169
Maki 69
Makrele 281
Makkukawa 209
Malachit 658
Maltha 632
Mammutsknochen 703
Man of war 214. 422
Manakin 186
Manate 127
Manche de couteau 431
Mandelkrähe 168
-- Stein 565. 567
Mangouste 89
Manis 71
Mantis 331
Manucodiatta 161
Manus marina 464
Maquereau 281
Marcasit 662. 679
Marcolph 167
Marder 90
Marekonstein 543
Marga 589
Marle 589
Marmor 587
Marmotta 77
Marne 589
Marteau 436
Marte 90
Martin 90
-- pecheur 162
Martinet 190
Mastwurm 411
Mauerspecht 164
Maulthier 109
Maulwurf 86
[Spaltenumbruch] Lobster 395
Loche 282
Löffelente 218
— Gans 202
— Reiher 202
Loir 75
Loligo 425
Lophius 264
Loricaria 384
Loriot 172
Loris 69
Lote 273
Loup 100
cervier 105
Louse 386
Loutre 92
Löwe 103
— Americanischer 105
Loxia 176
Lucanus 314
Luchs 105
Lucius 286
Ludus Helmontii 590
Lumacchella 588
Lumbricus 412
Lumer 211
Lumpsucker 266
Lüning 182
Lupus 100
Luscinia 183
Lutra 91
Lycaon 101
Lydischer Stein 539
Lynx 105
Macao 158
Macareux 219
Mackrel 281
Maçonne 449
Mactra 432
Madenwurm 411
Madrepora 461
[Spaltenumbruch] Magnesia 622
Magnesium 685
Magnet 664
Magpye 168
Main de ladre 464
Mainate 169
Maisdieb 169
Maki 69
Makrele 281
Makkukawa 209
Malachit 658
Maltha 632
Mammutsknochen 703
Man of war 214. 422
Manakin 186
Manate 127
Manche de couteau 431
Mandelkrähe 168
— Stein 565. 567
Mangouste 89
Manis 71
Mantis 331
Manucodiatta 161
Manus marina 464
Maquereau 281
Marcasit 662. 679
Marcolph 167
Marder 90
Marekonstein 543
Marga 589
Marle 589
Marmor 587
Marmotta 77
Marne 589
Marteau 436
Marte 90
Martin 90
pecheur 162
Martinet 190
Mastwurm 411
Mauerspecht 164
Maulthier 109
Maulwurf 86
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        <list type="simple">
            <list type="simple">
                <pb facs="#f0753" xml:id="pb731_0001" n="[A17]"/>
                <cb/> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lobster</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb395_0001">395</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loche</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb282_0001">282</ref>
              <item>Löffelente <ref target="#pb218_0001">218</ref><list type="simple"><item>&#x2014; Gans <ref target="#pb202_0001">202</ref></item><item>&#x2014; Reiher <ref target="#pb202_0001">202</ref></item></list></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loir</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb075_0001">75</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Loligo</hi> <ref target="#pb425_0001">425</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lophius</hi> <ref target="#pb264_0001">264</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Loricaria</hi> <ref target="#pb384_0001">384</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loriot</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb172_0001">172</ref>
              <item>Loris <ref target="#pb069_0001">69</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lote</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb273_0001">273</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loup</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb100_0001">100</ref>
                <list type="simple">
                  <item>&#x2014; <hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">cervier</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb105_0001">105</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Louse</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb386_0001">386</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loutre</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb092_0001">92</ref>
              <item>Löwe <ref target="#pb103_0001">103</ref><list type="simple"><item>&#x2014; Americanischer <ref target="#pb105_0001">105</ref></item></list></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Loxia</hi> <ref target="#pb176_0001">176</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lucanus</hi> <ref target="#pb314_0001">314</ref>
              <item>Luchs <ref target="#pb105_0001">105</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lucius</hi> <ref target="#pb286_0001">286</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Ludus Helmontii</hi> <ref target="#pb590_0001">590</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumacchella</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb588_0001">588</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumbricus</hi> <ref target="#pb412_0001">412</ref>
              <item>Lumer <ref target="#pb211_0001">211</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumpsucker</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb266_0001">266</ref>
              <item>Lüning <ref target="#pb182_0001">182</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lupus</hi> <ref target="#pb100_0001">100</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Luscinia</hi> <ref target="#pb183_0001">183</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lutra</hi> <ref target="#pb091_0001">91</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lycaon</hi> <ref target="#pb101_0001">101</ref>
              <item>Lydischer Stein <ref target="#pb539_0001">539</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lynx</hi> <ref target="#pb105_0001">105</ref>
            <list type="simple">
              <item>Macao <ref target="#pb158_0001">158</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Macareux</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb219_0001">219</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mackrel</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb281_0001">281</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Maçonne</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb449_0001">449</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Mactra</hi> <ref target="#pb432_0001">432</ref>
              <item>Madenwurm <ref target="#pb411_0001">411</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Madrepora</hi> <ref target="#pb461_0001">461</ref>
                <cb/> <hi rendition="#aq">Magnesia</hi> <ref target="#pb622_0001">622</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Magnesium</hi> <ref target="#pb685_0001">685</ref>
              <item>Magnet <ref target="#pb664_0001">664</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Magpye</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb168_0001">168</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Main de ladre</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb464_0001">464</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mainate</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb169_0001">169</ref>
              <item>Maisdieb <ref target="#pb169_0001">169</ref></item>
              <item>Maki <ref target="#pb069_0001">69</ref></item>
              <item>Makrele <ref target="#pb281_0001">281</ref></item>
              <item>Makkukawa <ref target="#pb209_0001">209</ref></item>
              <item>Malachit <ref target="#pb658_0001">658</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Maltha</hi> <ref target="#pb632_0001">632</ref>
              <item>Mammutsknochen <ref target="#pb703_0001">703</ref></item>
              <item><hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">Man of war</hi></hi><ref target="#pb214_0001">214</ref>. <ref target="#pb422_0001">422</ref></item>
              <item>Manakin <ref target="#pb186_0001">186</ref></item>
              <item>Manate <ref target="#pb127_0001">127</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Manche de couteau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb431_0001">431</ref>
              <item>Mandelkrähe <ref target="#pb168_0001">168</ref><list type="simple"><item>&#x2014; Stein <ref target="#pb565_0001">565</ref>. <ref target="#pb567_0001">567</ref></item></list></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mangouste</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb089_0001">89</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Manis</hi> <ref target="#pb071_0001">71</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Mantis</hi> <ref target="#pb331_0001">331</ref>
              <item>Manucodiatta <ref target="#pb161_0001">161</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Manus marina</hi> <ref target="#pb464_0001">464</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Maquereau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb281_0001">281</ref>
              <item>Marcasit <ref target="#pb662_0001">662</ref>. <ref target="#pb679_0001">679</ref></item>
              <item>Marcolph <ref target="#pb167_0001">167</ref></item>
              <item>Marder <ref target="#pb090_0001">90</ref></item>
              <item>Marekonstein <ref target="#pb543_0001">543</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Marga</hi> <ref target="#pb589_0001">589</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marle</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb589_0001">589</ref>
              <item>Marmor <ref target="#pb587_0001">587</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Marmotta</hi> <ref target="#pb077_0001">77</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marne</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb589_0001">589</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marteau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb436_0001">436</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marte</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb090_0001">90</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Martin</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb090_0001">90</ref>
                <list type="simple">
                  <item>&#x2014; <hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">pecheur</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb162_0001">162</ref></item>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Martinet</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb190_0001">190</ref>
              <item>Mastwurm <ref target="#pb411_0001">411</ref></item>
              <item>Mauerspecht <ref target="#pb164_0001">164</ref></item>
              <item>Maulthier <ref target="#pb109_0001">109</ref></item>
              <item>Maulwurf <ref target="#pb086_0001">86</ref></item>
[[A17]/0753] Lobster 395 Loche 282 Löffelente 218— Gans 202 — Reiher 202 Loir 75 Loligo 425 Lophius 264 Loricaria 384 Loriot 172 Loris 69 Lote 273 Loup 100— cervier 105 Louse 386 Loutre 92 Löwe 103— Americanischer 105 Loxia 176 Lucanus 314 Luchs 105 Lucius 286 Ludus Helmontii 590 Lumacchella 588 Lumbricus 412 Lumer 211 Lumpsucker 266 Lüning 182 Lupus 100 Luscinia 183 Lutra 91 Lycaon 101 Lydischer Stein 539 Lynx 105 M. Macao 158 Macareux 219 Mackrel 281 Maçonne 449 Mactra 432 Madenwurm 411 Madrepora 461 Magnesia 622 Magnesium 685 Magnet 664 Magpye 168 Main de ladre 464 Mainate 169 Maisdieb 169 Maki 69 Makrele 281 Makkukawa 209 Malachit 658 Maltha 632 Mammutsknochen 703 Man of war 214. 422 Manakin 186 Manate 127 Manche de couteau 431 Mandelkrähe 168— Stein 565. 567 Mangouste 89 Manis 71 Mantis 331 Manucodiatta 161 Manus marina 464 Maquereau 281 Marcasit 662. 679 Marcolph 167 Marder 90 Marekonstein 543 Marga 589 Marle 589 Marmor 587 Marmotta 77 Marne 589 Marteau 436 Marte 90 Martin 90— pecheur 162 Martinet 190 Mastwurm 411 Mauerspecht 164 Maulthier 109 Maulwurf 86

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Zitationshilfe: Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 5. Aufl. Göttingen, 1797, S. [A17]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 29.09.2024.