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Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 6. Aufl. Göttingen, 1799.

<< vorherige Seite
[Spaltenumbruch] Löwe 102
-- americanischer 104
Loxia 173
Lucanus 314
Luchs 104
Lucius 284
Ludus Helmontii 590
Lumacchella 588
Lumbricus 411
Lumer 209
Lumpsucker 262
Lupus 100
Luscinia 180
Lutra 92
Lydischer Stein 439
Lynx 104
Macacco 69
Macao 155
Macareux 217
Mackrel 278
Maconne 447
Mactra 431
Madenwurm 410
Madrepora 461
Magnesia 618
Magnesium 677
Magnet 657
Magpie 165
Main de ladre 463
Mainate 166
Maisdieb 166
Maki 71
Makrele 278
Makkukawa 207
Malachit 652
Maltha 626
Mammutsknochen 697
Man of war 214. 421
Manacanie 680
Manakin 183
Manate 124
[Spaltenumbruch] Manche de couteau 430
Mandelkrähe 165
Mandril 70
Mangouste 89
Manis 72
Mantis 331
Manucodiatta 166
Manus marina 463
Maquereau 278
Marcasit 656
Marcolph 164
Marder 90
Marekanstein 564
Marga 589
Marle 589
Marmor 589
Marmota 79
Marne 589
Marteau 435
Marte 90
Martin 90. 91
-- pecheur 159
Martinet 187
Mastwurm 401
Mauerspecht 161
Maulthier 107
Maulwurf 87
-- grille 433
Maus 78
Mauvis 171
Mayfisch 288
-- Käfer 312
-- Wurm 328
Meduse 424
-- Haupt 457
-- Palme 705
Meer-Barbe 279
-- Bohne 448
-- Grundel 272
-- Junker 277
-- Katze 70
-- Nadel 263
-- Nessel 420
[Spaltenumbruch] Löwe 102
— americanischer 104
Loxia 173
Lucanus 314
Luchs 104
Lucius 284
Ludus Helmontii 590
Lumacchella 588
Lumbricus 411
Lumer 209
Lumpsucker 262
Lupus 100
Luscinia 180
Lutra 92
Lydischer Stein 439
Lynx 104
Macacco 69
Macao 155
Macareux 217
Mackrel 278
Maçonne 447
Mactra 431
Madenwurm 410
Madrepora 461
Magnesia 618
Magnesium 677
Magnet 657
Magpie 165
Main de ladre 463
Mainate 166
Maisdieb 166
Maki 71
Makrele 278
Makkukawa 207
Malachit 652
Maltha 626
Mammutsknochen 697
Man of war 214. 421
Manacanie 680
Manakin 183
Manate 124
[Spaltenumbruch] Manche de couteau 430
Mandelkrähe 165
Mandril 70
Mangouste 89
Manis 72
Mantis 331
Manucodiatta 166
Manus marina 463
Maquereau 278
Marcasit 656
Marcolph 164
Marder 90
Marekanstein 564
Marga 589
Marle 589
Marmor 589
Marmota 79
Marne 589
Marteau 435
Marte 90
Martin 90. 91
pecheur 159
Martinet 187
Mastwurm 401
Mauerspecht 161
Maulthier 107
Maulwurf 87
— grille 433
Maus 78
Mauvis 171
Mayfisch 288
— Käfer 312
— Wurm 328
Meduse 424
— Haupt 457
— Palme 705
Meer-Barbe 279
— Bohne 448
— Grundel 272
— Junker 277
— Katze 70
— Nadel 263
— Nessel 420
  <text xml:id="blume000027">
      <div type="index" n="1">
              <item><pb facs="#f0749" xml:id="pb725_0001" n="[A17]"/><cb/>
Löwe <ref target="#pb102_0001">102</ref>
  <list><item>&#x2014; americanischer <ref target="#pb104_0001">104</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Loxia</hi> <ref target="#pb173_0001">173</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lucanus</hi> <ref target="#pb314_0001">314</ref>
              <item>Luchs <ref target="#pb104_0001">104</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lucius</hi> <ref target="#pb284_0001">284</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Ludus Helmontii</hi> <ref target="#pb590_0001">590</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumacchella</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb588_0001">588</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumbricus</hi> <ref target="#pb411_0001">411</ref>
              <item>Lumer <ref target="#pb209_0001">209</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumpsucker</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb262_0001">262</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lupus</hi> <ref target="#pb100_0001">100</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Luscinia</hi> <ref target="#pb180_0001">180</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lutra</hi> <ref target="#pb092_0001">92</ref>
              <item>Lydischer Stein <ref target="#pb439_0001">439</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lynx</hi> <ref target="#pb104_0001">104</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Macacco</hi> <ref target="#pb069_0001">69</ref>
              <item>Macao <ref target="#pb155_0001">155</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Macareux</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb217_0001">217</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mackrel</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb278_0001">278</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Maçonne</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb447_0001">447</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Mactra</hi> <ref target="#pb431_0001">431</ref>
              <item>Madenwurm <ref target="#pb410_0001">410</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Madrepora</hi> <ref target="#pb461_0001">461</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Magnesia</hi> <ref target="#pb618_0001">618</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Magnesium</hi> <ref target="#pb677_0001">677</ref>
              <item>Magnet <ref target="#pb657_0001">657</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Magpie</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb165_0001">165</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Main de ladre</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb463_0001">463</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mainate</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb166_0001">166</ref>
              <item>Maisdieb <ref target="#pb166_0001">166</ref>
              <item>Maki <ref target="#pb071_0001">71</ref>
              <item>Makrele <ref target="#pb278_0001">278</ref>
              <item>Makkukawa <ref target="#pb207_0001">207</ref>
              <item>Malachit <ref target="#pb652_0001">652</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Maltha</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb626_0001">626</ref>
              <item>Mammutsknochen <ref target="#pb697_0001">697</ref>
              <item><hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">Man of war</hi></hi><ref target="#pb214_0001">214</ref>. <ref target="#pb421_0001">421</ref></item>
              <item>Manacanie <ref target="#pb680_0001">680</ref>
              <item>Manakin <ref target="#pb183_0001">183</ref>
              <item>Manate <ref target="#pb124_0001">124</ref>
                <cb/> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Manche de couteau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb430_0001">430</ref>
              <item>Mandelkrähe <ref target="#pb165_0001">165</ref>
              <item>Mandril <ref target="#pb070_0001">70</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mangouste</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb089_0001">89</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Manis</hi> <ref target="#pb072_0001">72</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Mantis</hi> <ref target="#pb331_0001">331</ref>
              <item>Manucodiatta <ref target="#pb166_0001">166</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Manus marina</hi> <ref target="#pb463_0001">463</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Maquereau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb278_0001">278</ref>
              <item>Marcasit <ref target="#pb656_0001">656</ref>
              <item>Marcolph <ref target="#pb164_0001">164</ref>
              <item>Marder <ref target="#pb090_0001">90</ref>
              <item>Marekanstein <ref target="#pb564_0001">564</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Marga</hi> <ref target="#pb589_0001">589</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marle</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb589_0001">589</ref>
              <item>Marmor <ref target="#pb589_0001">589</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Marmota</hi> <ref target="#pb079_0001">79</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marne</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb589_0001">589</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marteau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb435_0001">435</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marte</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb090_0001">90</ref>
              <item><hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">Martin</hi></hi><ref target="#pb090_0001">90</ref>. <ref target="#pb091_0001">91</ref><list><item>&#x2014; <hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">pecheur</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb159_0001">159</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Martinet</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb187_0001">187</ref>
              <item>Mastwurm <ref target="#pb401_0001">401</ref>
              <item>Mauerspecht <ref target="#pb161_0001">161</ref>
              <item>Maulthier <ref target="#pb107_0001">107</ref>
              <item>Maulwurf <ref target="#pb087_0001">87</ref>
  <list><item>&#x2014; grille <ref target="#pb433_0001">433</ref>
              <item>Maus <ref target="#pb078_0001">78</ref>
              <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mauvis</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb171_0001">171</ref>
              <item>Mayfisch <ref target="#pb288_0001">288</ref>
  <list><item>&#x2014; Käfer <ref target="#pb312_0001">312</ref>
  </item><item>&#x2014; Wurm <ref target="#pb328_0001">328</ref>
              <item>Meduse <ref target="#pb424_0001">424</ref>
  <list><item>&#x2014; Haupt <ref target="#pb457_0001">457</ref>
  </item><item>&#x2014; Palme <ref target="#pb705_0001">705</ref>
              <item>Meer-Barbe <ref target="#pb279_0001">279</ref>
  <list><item>&#x2014; Bohne <ref target="#pb448_0001">448</ref>
  </item><item>&#x2014; Grundel <ref target="#pb272_0001">272</ref>
  </item><item>&#x2014; Junker <ref target="#pb277_0001">277</ref>
  </item><item>&#x2014; Katze <ref target="#pb070_0001">70</ref>
  </item><item>&#x2014; Nadel <ref target="#pb263_0001">263</ref>
  </item><item>&#x2014; Nessel <ref target="#pb420_0001">420</ref>
[[A17]/0749] Löwe 102 — americanischer 104 Loxia 173 Lucanus 314 Luchs 104 Lucius 284 Ludus Helmontii 590 Lumacchella 588 Lumbricus 411 Lumer 209 Lumpsucker 262 Lupus 100 Luscinia 180 Lutra 92 Lydischer Stein 439 Lynx 104 M. Macacco 69 Macao 155 Macareux 217 Mackrel 278 Maçonne 447 Mactra 431 Madenwurm 410 Madrepora 461 Magnesia 618 Magnesium 677 Magnet 657 Magpie 165 Main de ladre 463 Mainate 166 Maisdieb 166 Maki 71 Makrele 278 Makkukawa 207 Malachit 652 Maltha 626 Mammutsknochen 697 Man of war 214. 421 Manacanie 680 Manakin 183 Manate 124 Manche de couteau 430 Mandelkrähe 165 Mandril 70 Mangouste 89 Manis 72 Mantis 331 Manucodiatta 166 Manus marina 463 Maquereau 278 Marcasit 656 Marcolph 164 Marder 90 Marekanstein 564 Marga 589 Marle 589 Marmor 589 Marmota 79 Marne 589 Marteau 435 Marte 90 Martin 90. 91 — pecheur 159 Martinet 187 Mastwurm 401 Mauerspecht 161 Maulthier 107 Maulwurf 87 — grille 433 Maus 78 Mauvis 171 Mayfisch 288 — Käfer 312 — Wurm 328 Meduse 424 — Haupt 457 — Palme 705 Meer-Barbe 279 — Bohne 448 — Grundel 272 — Junker 277 — Katze 70 — Nadel 263 — Nessel 420

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Dieses Werk stammt vom Projekt „Johann Friedrich Blumenbach – online“ der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen.

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Zitationshilfe: Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 6. Aufl. Göttingen, 1799, S. [A17]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 17.09.2024.