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Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 8. Aufl. Göttingen, 1807.

<< vorherige Seite
[Spaltenumbruch] Loam 587
Lobster 411
Loche 291
Locusta 347
Löffelente 225
Löffelgans 210
Löffelreiher 210
Loir 80
Loligo 439
Lophius 269
Loricaria 292
Loriot 180
Loris 76
Lote 281
Loup 102
-- cervier 106
Louse 401
Loutre 132
Löwe 104
-- americanischer 106
Loxia 184
Lucanus 326
Luchs 106
Luchs-Saphir 560
Lucius 295
Ludus Helmontii 620
Lumacchella 618
Lumbricus 427
Lumer 219
Lumpsucker 274
Lune de mer 273
Lupus 102
Luscinia 191
Lutra 132
Lydischer Stein 562
Lyncurium 571
[Spaltenumbruch] Lynx 106
Lytta 341
Lystra 350
Macacco 74
Macao 166
Macareux 226
Mackrel 289
Mackukawa 217
Macle 584
Maconne 463
Mactra 447
Madenwurm 426
Madrepora 476
Magnesia 597
Magnesites 613
Magnesium 707
Magnet 687
Magot 74
Magpie 176
Main de ladre 478
Mainate 177
Maisdieb 177, 180
Maki 76
Makrele 289
Malachit 681
Malacolith 608
Maltha 656
Mammuthknochen 730
Man of war 437
-- -- bird 222
Manacanit 714
Manakin 193
Manate 134
Manche de couteau 446
Manchot 226
[Spaltenumbruch] Loam 587
Lobster 411
Loche 291
Locusta 347
Löffelente 225
Löffelgans 210
Löffelreiher 210
Loir 80
Loligo 439
Lophius 269
Loricaria 292
Loriot 180
Loris 76
Lote 281
Loup 102
cervier 106
Louse 401
Loutre 132
Löwe 104
— americanischer 106
Loxia 184
Lucanus 326
Luchs 106
Luchs-Saphir 560
Lucius 295
Ludus Helmontii 620
Lumacchella 618
Lumbricus 427
Lumer 219
Lumpsucker 274
Lune de mer 273
Lupus 102
Luscinia 191
Lutra 132
Lydischer Stein 562
Lyncurium 571
[Spaltenumbruch] Lynx 106
Lytta 341
Lystra 350
Macacco 74
Macao 166
Macareux 226
Mackrel 289
Mackukawa 217
Macle 584
Maçonne 463
Mactra 447
Madenwurm 426
Madrepora 476
Magnesia 597
Magnesites 613
Magnesium 707
Magnet 687
Magot 74
Magpie 176
Main de ladre 478
Mainate 177
Maisdieb 177, 180
Maki 76
Makrele 289
Malachit 681
Malacolith 608
Maltha 656
Mammuthknochen 730
Man of war 437
— — bird 222
Manacanit 714
Manakin 193
Manate 134
Manche de couteau 446
Manchot 226
  <text xml:id="blume_hbnatur_000030">
      <div type="index" n="1">
        <list type="simple">
            <pb facs="#f0789" xml:id="pb765_0001" n="[A22]"/>
            <cb/> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loam</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb587_0001">587</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lobster</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb411_0001">411</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loche</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb291_0001">291</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Locusta</hi> <ref target="#pb347_0001">347</ref>
          <item>Löffelente <ref target="#pb225_0001">225</ref></item>
          <item>Löffelgans <ref target="#pb210_0001">210</ref></item>
          <item>Löffelreiher <ref target="#pb210_0001">210</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loir</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb080_0001">80</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Loligo</hi> <ref target="#pb439_0001">439</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lophius</hi> <ref target="#pb269_0001">269</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Loricaria</hi> <ref target="#pb292_0001">292</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loriot</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb180_0001">180</ref>
          <item>Loris <ref target="#pb076_0001">76</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lote</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb281_0001">281</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loup</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb102_0001">102</ref>
            <list type="simple">
              <item>&#x2014; <hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">cervier</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb106_0001">106</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Louse</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb401_0001">401</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Loutre</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb132_0001">132</ref>
          <item>Löwe <ref target="#pb104_0001">104</ref><list type="simple"><item>&#x2014; americanischer <ref target="#pb106_0001">106</ref></item></list></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Loxia</hi> <ref target="#pb184_0001">184</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lucanus</hi> <ref target="#pb326_0001">326</ref>
          <item>Luchs <ref target="#pb106_0001">106</ref></item>
          <item>Luchs-Saphir <ref target="#pb560_0001">560</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lucius</hi> <ref target="#pb295_0001">295</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Ludus Helmontii</hi> <ref target="#pb620_0001">620</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumacchella</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb618_0001">618</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumbricus</hi> <ref target="#pb427_0001">427</ref>
          <item>Lumer <ref target="#pb219_0001">219</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lumpsucker</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb274_0001">274</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Lune de mer</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb273_0001">273</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lupus</hi> <ref target="#pb102_0001">102</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Luscinia</hi> <ref target="#pb191_0001">191</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lutra</hi> <ref target="#pb132_0001">132</ref>
          <item>Lydischer Stein <ref target="#pb562_0001">562</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lyncurium</hi> <ref target="#pb571_0001">571</ref>
            <cb/> <hi rendition="#aq">Lynx</hi> <ref target="#pb106_0001">106</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lytta</hi> <ref target="#pb341_0001">341</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Lystra</hi> <ref target="#pb350_0001">350</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Macacco</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb074_0001">74</ref>
          <item>Macao <ref target="#pb166_0001">166</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Macareux</hi> <ref target="#pb226_0001">226</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mackrel</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb289_0001">289</ref>
          <item>Mackukawa <ref target="#pb217_0001">217</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Macle</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb584_0001">584</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Maçonne</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb463_0001">463</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Mactra</hi> <ref target="#pb447_0001">447</ref>
          <item>Madenwurm <ref target="#pb426_0001">426</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Madrepora</hi> <ref target="#pb476_0001">476</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Magnesia</hi> <ref target="#pb597_0001">597</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Magnesites</hi> <ref target="#pb613_0001">613</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Magnesium</hi> <ref target="#pb707_0001">707</ref>
          <item>Magnet <ref target="#pb687_0001">687</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Magot</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb074_0001">74</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Magpie</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb176_0001">176</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Main de ladre</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb478_0001">478</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mainate</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb177_0001">177</ref>
          <item>Maisdieb <ref target="#pb177_0001">177</ref>, <ref target="#pb180_0001">180</ref></item>
          <item>Maki <ref target="#pb076_0001">76</ref></item>
          <item>Makrele <ref target="#pb289_0001">289</ref></item>
          <item>Malachit <ref target="#pb681_0001">681</ref></item>
          <item>Malacolith <ref target="#pb608_0001">608</ref></item>
          <item>Maltha <ref target="#pb656_0001">656</ref></item>
          <item>Mammuthknochen <ref target="#pb730_0001">730</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Man of war</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb437_0001">437</ref>
            <list type="simple">
              <item>&#x2014; &#x2014; <hi rendition="#i"><hi rendition="#aq">bird</hi></hi> <ref target="#pb222_0001">222</ref></item>
          <item>Manacanit <ref target="#pb714_0001">714</ref></item>
          <item>Manakin <ref target="#pb193_0001">193</ref></item>
          <item>Manate <ref target="#pb134_0001">134</ref></item>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Manche de couteau</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb446_0001">446</ref>
          <item> <hi rendition="#i"> <hi rendition="#aq">Manchot</hi> </hi> <ref target="#pb226_0001">226</ref>
[[A22]/0789] Loam 587 Lobster 411 Loche 291 Locusta 347 Löffelente 225 Löffelgans 210 Löffelreiher 210 Loir 80 Loligo 439 Lophius 269 Loricaria 292 Loriot 180 Loris 76 Lote 281 Loup 102 — cervier 106 Louse 401 Loutre 132 Löwe 104 — americanischer 106 Loxia 184 Lucanus 326 Luchs 106 Luchs-Saphir 560 Lucius 295 Ludus Helmontii 620 Lumacchella 618 Lumbricus 427 Lumer 219 Lumpsucker 274 Lune de mer 273 Lupus 102 Luscinia 191 Lutra 132 Lydischer Stein 562 Lyncurium 571 Lynx 106 Lytta 341 Lystra 350 Macacco 74 Macao 166 Macareux 226 Mackrel 289 Mackukawa 217 Macle 584 Maçonne 463 Mactra 447 Madenwurm 426 Madrepora 476 Magnesia 597 Magnesites 613 Magnesium 707 Magnet 687 Magot 74 Magpie 176 Main de ladre 478 Mainate 177 Maisdieb 177, 180 Maki 76 Makrele 289 Malachit 681 Malacolith 608 Maltha 656 Mammuthknochen 730 Man of war 437 — — bird 222 Manacanit 714 Manakin 193 Manate 134 Manche de couteau 446 Manchot 226

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Johann Friedrich Blumenbach – online: Bereitstellung der Bilddigitalisate (2013-08-26T09:00:15Z)
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Zitationshilfe: Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich: Handbuch der Naturgeschichte. 8. Aufl. Göttingen, 1807, S. [A22]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 29.09.2024.