[Gessner, Christian Friedrich]: Die so nöthig als nützliche Buchdruckerkunst und Schriftgießerey. Bd. 1. Leipzig, 1740.Vorrede. years 1520 and 1550. also an account of theirWorcks, and of the considerable Improvements which they made during that Time. By S. Palmer, Printer. London 1733. 4. 2. Alph. 4 und einen halben Bogen. Wenn man aus demjenigen, was Herr Palmer von der Buchdruckerkunst in Leipzig, und von den ältesten Buchdruckern allhier vorgiebt, auf das gantze Werck einen Schluß machen wolte: so würde man sich eben keinen vortheilhafften Begriff von dem- selben machen. Wir wollen den Englischen Buchdru- cker aus p. 249. selbst anhören: Leipsick, in Latin Lipsia, the capital of Saxony, and founded into an university in 1404 by FREDERIC. I. Elector of that name, receiv'd the art of Printing in 1484; and tho'it pro- du'd but few impressions before the year 1500, and yet it is become one of the most famous cities in Ger- many for the numbers of books printed there. The first Printer who settled there was, 1. MARK BRANDT, of whom we have only the following edition, viz. ALBICII Archiepiscopi Pragensis praxis me- dendi 4to. per Marcum Brandt. Lipsiae 1484. 2. GREGORY BOETICHER, 1. edit. 1493. 3. WOLFGANG MOLITOR de Monaco, 2. edit. from 1495, to 1496. 4. JAMES THANNER, 2. edit. from 1498, to 1499. WITH about twenty more without Printers names. 5. ANDREW Faisner, (Frisner) a learned man, of (a) 3
Vorrede. years 1520 and 1550. alſo an account of theirWorcks, and of the conſiderable Improvements which they made during that Time. By S. Palmer, Printer. London 1733. 4. 2. Alph. 4 und einen halben Bogen. Wenn man aus demjenigen, was Herr Palmer von der Buchdruckerkunſt in Leipzig, und von den aͤlteſten Buchdruckern allhier vorgiebt, auf das gantze Werck einen Schluß machen wolte: ſo wuͤrde man ſich eben keinen vortheilhafften Begriff von dem- ſelben machen. Wir wollen den Engliſchen Buchdru- cker aus p. 249. ſelbſt anhoͤren: Leipſick, in Latin Lipſia, the capital of Saxony, and founded into an univerſity in 1404 by FREDERIC. I. Elector of that name, receiv’d the art of Printing in 1484; and tho’it pro- du’d but few impreſſions before the year 1500, and yet it is become one of the moſt famous cities in Ger- many for the numbers of books printed there. The firſt Printer who ſettled there was, 1. MARK BRANDT, of whom we have only the following edition, viz. ALBICII Archiepiſcopi Pragenſis praxis me- dendi 4to. per Marcum Brandt. Lipſiæ 1484. 2. GREGORY BOETICHER, 1. edit. 1493. 3. WOLFGANG MOLITOR de Monaco, 2. edit. from 1495, to 1496. 4. JAMES THANNER, 2. edit. from 1498, to 1499. WITH about twenty more without Printers names. 5. ANDREW Faiſner, (Friſner) a learned man, of (a) 3
<TEI> <text> <front> <div type="preface"> <p><pb facs="#f0023"/><fw place="top" type="header"><hi rendition="#b">Vorrede.</hi></fw><lb/><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">years 1520 and 1550. alſo an account of their<lb/> Worcks, and of the conſiderable Improvements<lb/> which they made during that Time. By</hi> S. Palmer,<lb/><hi rendition="#i">Printer. London 1733. 4.</hi></hi> 2. Alph. 4 und einen halben<lb/> Bogen. Wenn man aus demjenigen, was Herr<lb/><hi rendition="#fr">Palmer</hi> von der Buchdruckerkunſt in Leipzig, und von<lb/> den aͤlteſten Buchdruckern allhier vorgiebt, auf das<lb/> gantze Werck einen Schluß machen wolte: ſo wuͤrde<lb/> man ſich eben keinen vortheilhafften Begriff von dem-<lb/> ſelben machen. Wir wollen den Engliſchen Buchdru-<lb/> cker aus <hi rendition="#aq">p.</hi> 249. ſelbſt anhoͤren: <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">Leipſick, in Latin Lipſia,<lb/> the capital of Saxony, and founded into an univerſity<lb/> in 1404 by FREDERIC. I. Elector of that name,<lb/> receiv’d the art of Printing in 1484; and tho’it pro-<lb/> du’d but few impreſſions before the year 1500, and<lb/> yet it is become one of the moſt famous cities in Ger-<lb/> many for the numbers of books printed there. The<lb/> firſt Printer who ſettled there was,</hi></hi></p><lb/> <list> <item> <hi rendition="#c">1. <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">MARK BRANDT,<lb/> of whom we have only the following edition, viz.<lb/> ALBICII Archiepiſcopi Pragenſis praxis me-<lb/> dendi 4to. per Marcum Brandt. Lipſiæ 1484.</hi></hi></hi> </item><lb/> <item>2. <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">GREGORY BOETICHER, 1. edit. 1493.</hi></hi></item><lb/> <item>3. <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">WOLFGANG MOLITOR de Monaco, 2. edit.<lb/> from 1495, to 1496.</hi></hi></item><lb/> <item>4. <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">JAMES THANNER, 2. edit. from 1498,<lb/> to 1499.</hi></hi></item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#aq"> <hi rendition="#i">WITH about twenty more without Printers<lb/> names.</hi> </hi> </item><lb/> <item>5. <hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">ANDREW Faiſner, (Friſner) a learned man,</hi></hi><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="sig">(a) 3</fw><fw place="bottom" type="catch"><hi rendition="#aq"><hi rendition="#i">of</hi></hi></fw><lb/></item> </list> </div> </front> </text> </TEI> [0023]
years 1520 and 1550. alſo an account of their
Worcks, and of the conſiderable Improvements
which they made during that Time. By S. Palmer,
Printer. London 1733. 4. 2. Alph. 4 und einen halben
Bogen. Wenn man aus demjenigen, was Herr
Palmer von der Buchdruckerkunſt in Leipzig, und von
den aͤlteſten Buchdruckern allhier vorgiebt, auf das
gantze Werck einen Schluß machen wolte: ſo wuͤrde
man ſich eben keinen vortheilhafften Begriff von dem-
ſelben machen. Wir wollen den Engliſchen Buchdru-
cker aus p. 249. ſelbſt anhoͤren: Leipſick, in Latin Lipſia,
the capital of Saxony, and founded into an univerſity
in 1404 by FREDERIC. I. Elector of that name,
receiv’d the art of Printing in 1484; and tho’it pro-
du’d but few impreſſions before the year 1500, and
yet it is become one of the moſt famous cities in Ger-
many for the numbers of books printed there. The
firſt Printer who ſettled there was,
of whom we have only the following edition, viz.
ALBICII Archiepiſcopi Pragenſis praxis me-
dendi 4to. per Marcum Brandt. Lipſiæ 1484.
2. GREGORY BOETICHER, 1. edit. 1493.
3. WOLFGANG MOLITOR de Monaco, 2. edit.
from 1495, to 1496.
4. JAMES THANNER, 2. edit. from 1498,
to 1499.
WITH about twenty more without Printers
5. ANDREW Faiſner, (Friſner) a learned man,
(a) 3
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