Hilty, Carl: Frauenstimmrecht. In: Hilty, Carl (Hg.): Politisches Jahrbuch der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft. Bern, 1897.Frauenstimmrecht.
or in question of it. For these reasons, also, there rests onus the obligation to so guard and elevate the social order as to make of Wyoming an ever-brightening star for the guidance of this new grand movement in the interest of human freedom." (Botschaft des Gouverneurs an die Legis- lative vom 12. Januar 1882.) In zwei frühern Botschaften des Gouverneurs von 1871 "There is upon our statute book "an act granting to the The experiment of granting to women a voice in the In einer englischen Zeitschrift "Fortnightly Review" Dass ein so radikales Gesetz durchgehen konnte, ver- Frauenstimmrecht.
or in question of it. For these reasons, also, there rests onus the obligation to so guard and elevate the social order as to make of Wyoming an ever-brightening star for the guidance of this new grand movement in the interest of human freedom.» (Botschaft des Gouverneurs an die Legis- lative vom 12. Januar 1882.) In zwei frühern Botschaften des Gouverneurs von 1871 «There is upon our statute book «an act granting to the The experiment of granting to women a voice in the In einer englischen Zeitschrift «Fortnightly Review» Dass ein so radikales Gesetz durchgehen konnte, ver- <TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <p><pb facs="#f0031" n="271"/><fw place="top" type="header">Frauenstimmrecht.</fw> or in question of it. For these reasons, also, there rests on<lb/> us the obligation to so guard and elevate the social order<lb/> as to make of Wyoming an ever-brightening star for the<lb/> guidance of this new grand movement in the interest of<lb/> human freedom.» (Botschaft des Gouverneurs an die Legis-<lb/> lative vom 12. Januar 1882.)</p><lb/> <p>In zwei frühern Botschaften des Gouverneurs von 1871<lb/> und 1873 kommen folgende Stellen über diesen Gegenstand vor:</p><lb/> <p>«There is upon our statute book «an act granting to the<lb/> women of Wyoming territory the right of suffrage and to<lb/> hold office», which has now been in force two years. Under<lb/> its liberal provisions women have voted in the territory,<lb/> served on juries and hold office. It is simple justice to say<lb/> that the women entering, for the first time in the history<lb/> of the country, upon these new and untried duties, have<lb/> conducted themselves in every respect with as much tact,<lb/> sound judgment and good sense as men.</p><lb/> <p>The experiment of granting to women a voice in the<lb/> government, which was inaugurated, for the first time in<lb/> the history of our country, by the first legislative assembly<lb/> of Wyoming, has now been tried for four years. I have<lb/> heretofore taken occasion to express my views in regard to<lb/> the wisdom and justice of this measure and my conviction,<lb/> that its adoption had been attended only by good results.<lb/> Two years more of observation of the practical working of<lb/> the system have only served to deepen my conviction that what<lb/> we, in this territory, have done, has been well done, and<lb/> that our system of impartial suffrage is an unqualified success.»</p><lb/> <p>In einer englischen Zeitschrift «Fortnightly Review»<lb/> findet sich folgende Betrachtung, nach dem Auszug der<lb/> Berliner «Nation<choice><sic>:»</sic><corr>»:</corr></choice></p><lb/> <p>Dass ein so radikales Gesetz durchgehen konnte, ver-<lb/> dankten die Frauen dem ersten Gouverneur von Wyoming.<lb/></p> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [271/0031]
or in question of it. For these reasons, also, there rests on
us the obligation to so guard and elevate the social order
as to make of Wyoming an ever-brightening star for the
guidance of this new grand movement in the interest of
human freedom.» (Botschaft des Gouverneurs an die Legis-
lative vom 12. Januar 1882.)
In zwei frühern Botschaften des Gouverneurs von 1871
und 1873 kommen folgende Stellen über diesen Gegenstand vor:
«There is upon our statute book «an act granting to the
women of Wyoming territory the right of suffrage and to
hold office», which has now been in force two years. Under
its liberal provisions women have voted in the territory,
served on juries and hold office. It is simple justice to say
that the women entering, for the first time in the history
of the country, upon these new and untried duties, have
conducted themselves in every respect with as much tact,
sound judgment and good sense as men.
The experiment of granting to women a voice in the
government, which was inaugurated, for the first time in
the history of our country, by the first legislative assembly
of Wyoming, has now been tried for four years. I have
heretofore taken occasion to express my views in regard to
the wisdom and justice of this measure and my conviction,
that its adoption had been attended only by good results.
Two years more of observation of the practical working of
the system have only served to deepen my conviction that what
we, in this territory, have done, has been well done, and
that our system of impartial suffrage is an unqualified success.»
In einer englischen Zeitschrift «Fortnightly Review»
findet sich folgende Betrachtung, nach dem Auszug der
Berliner «Nation»:
Dass ein so radikales Gesetz durchgehen konnte, ver-
dankten die Frauen dem ersten Gouverneur von Wyoming.
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