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Allgemeine Auswanderungs-Zeitung. Nr. 8. Rudolstadt, 21. Februar 1848.

<< vorherige Seite

[Spaltenumbruch] selben sind, also den größten Mißbrauch damit treiben könnten. Ganz
anders ist es aber mit den meisten unserer noch nicht lange hier ein-
gewanderten Deutschen, wie ich schon oben bemerkt habe. Diese haben
sich erst zu diesen Nationaltugenden heranzubilden, und darin wie in
mancher anderen Beziehung bei den freien Amerikanern in die Schule
zu gehen, welche das Gesetz achten und lieben, ohne daß eine Masse
[Spaltenumbruch] von Polizeibeamten, Soldaten, Feldschützen und dergleichen mehr, wie
in Europa, nöthig seien, um das Volk in Furcht und Schrecken zu
erhalten. Kommt dann der Mensch aus so strenger Zucht, so miß-
braucht er leicht die Freiheit, deren Neuheit ihn berauscht, und so
mancher nur durch Zwang zurückgehaltene Unmuth und Uebermuth bricht
um so ärger hervor.

[Ende Spaltensatz]
der im Jahre 1847 von Antwerpen und London nach NORDAMERIKA expedirten Schiffe, und der damit
beförderten deutschen Auswanderer.

[Beginn Spaltensatz]

1 ) von Antwerpen a ) nach Newyork.

Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang. Passa-gierzah Reise-Tage.
Harriet, Cpt. Loones... 2 110 49
Louis, Cpt. Audiens.... 10 124 34
Casilda, Cpt. Wittels... 14 100 37
Jos. Boormann, Cpt. Peterson 14 177 43
Emma, Cpt. Mussche... 18 137 31
Epervier, Cpt. Farwell.. 18 103 31
Newhampshire, Cpt. Chase. 18 232 35
Edwina, Cpt. West.... 19 220 24
Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter.. 20 296 29
Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt. 24 201 46
Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen.. 30 150 52
Falconer, Cpt. Dennison..3010145
Infatigable, Cpt. Ten Eyck. 3 125 47
Orion, Cpt. Mathiesen... 5 111 42
America, Cpt. Hauschild.. 8 123 47
Morgenstern, Cpt. Apel.. 8 96 59
Mert, Cpt. Richardson... 8 159 48
Jean v. Eyk, Cpt. Lüttgens. 11 112 42
Frithiof, Cpt. Bornhelm.. 11 147 40
Marie Louise, Cpt. Moelenbrock 11 131 36
Carolina, Cpt. Cullberg... 14 159 44
Wilhelm, Cpt. Schulz... 14 137 64
Catharina, Cpt. Seidenwall. 16 101 60
Phenomene, Cpt. Petersen. 16 206 58
Waternymph, Cpt. Falcus.. 19 92 60
Plato, Cpt. Holmes.... 19 107 45
Stadt Antwerpen, Cpt. Gooverts 19 157 35
Albion, Cpt. Fritsch.... 20 146 39
Louis de Geer, Cpt. Lund. 24 158 40
Kronprinz v. Hanover, C. Mennen 29 184 32
Bengal, Cpt. Cowle.... 30 121 38
Rovers Bride, Cpt. Farren.3010938
Earl of Liverpool, Cpt. Davidson 1 153 45
Einigkeit, Cpt. Schottey.. 2 78 49
Eolus, Cpt. Schörnberg.. 5 137 57
Sylphiden, Cpt. Elliger... 6 147 50
Waldemar, Cpt. Schmitz..713731

Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang Passa-gierzahl. Reise-Tage.
Commerce, Cpt. Steene.. 7 74 33
Amalia, Cpt. Visser.... 8 133 37
Olof, Cpt. Sweucon.... 8 231 51
Cecrops, Cpt. Wildfang.. 10 180 36
Elisabeth, Cpt. Hugy... - 145 47
Fried. Franz, Cpt. Vollmer. - 168 47
Fritz, Cpt. Fiörnberg... - 150 45
Jupiter Cpt. Iverson... - 121 41
Greiff, Cpt. Schmitt.... 13 136 44
Cath Stewart Forbes, C. Watson 15 187 44
Herrmann, Cpt. Bole... 16 104 39
Sylvester, Cpt. Schulz... 17 107 50
Magdalena, Cpt. Deetzen.. 20 90 47
Neread, Cpt. Escott.... 22 210 33
Cate, Cpt. Gargenwich... 23 163 36
Hebe, Cpt. Lund..... 23 134 38
Albertina, Cpt. Feght... 23 105 60
Victoria, Cpt. Harthorne.. 26 204 24
Sharon, Cpt. Lucas.... 26 113 29
Amphion, Cpt. Trapp...3115737
Duc de Brabant, Cpt. Schmitt 1 206 39
Hertfordshire, Cpt. Richardson 2 525 35
Ocean, Cpt. de Ruyter... 10 129 46
Coromandel, Cpt. Watts.. 15 240 37
Columbus, Cpt. Meyer... 17 150 42
Wm. Larrabee, Cpt. Larrabee 17 100 37
Charles Quint, Cpt. Mussche. 24 178 44
Jean Key, Cpt. Lechere.. 24 144 41
Anna Welsh, Cpt. Magna.2715035
Courrier, Cpt. Cordier... 2 84 39
Federico, Cpt. Girovii... 9 124 47
Vierge Marie, Cpt. Brock. 10 128 41
Louvre, Cpt. Allyn.... 16 148 38
Martha, Cpt. Wise.... 18 116 32
Anversois, Cpt. Moelenbrock. 19 120 32
Epervier, Cpt. Farwell... 24 106 37
Augusta, Cpt. Dannberg.. 27 136 45
Louis, Cpt. Audiens....2912040

Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang Passa-gierzahl. Reise-Tage.
Medora, Cpt. Borland... 2 164 31
Echo, Cpt. Schörnberg... 11 120 44
Ontario, Cpt. Holmes... 22 210 29
Philadelphia, Cpt. Dunn..2221221
Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter.. 6 298 29
Rideout, Cpt. Brown... 7 167 33
Thomas Bennet, Cpt. Bennet 20 167 35
Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen.. 23 84 41
Edwina, Cpt. West....2421628
Mayflower, Cpt. Hitchcock. 1 206 30
Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt.. 10 183 31
Rio Grande, Cpt. Freemann. 12 181 31
Globe, Cpt. Theobald... 22 143 42
Attica, Cpt. Mac Lellan 2314537
St. Antwerpen, C. Govarls..18146
Louvre, Cpt. Allyn.. 148
Luconia, Cpt. Hamilton.. 18 69
b ) nach Neworleans.
John Parker, C. Cummings Febr. 25 125 58
Charlemagne, Cpt. Falcs März 24 297 49
Olbers, Cpt. Exter April 11 190 52
Mauran, Cpt. Williams Sept. 3 101 59
Hartley, Cpt. Lord... " 24 161 39
Elisa, Cpt. Wight... " 28 111 48
Mary Ellen, Cpt. Griffeth Oct. 24 97
General Green, Cpt. Snow " 24 98
Empire, Cpt. Hall Nov. 19 108
Moselle, Cpt. Somersby Dec. 11 125
c ) nach anderen Plätzen .
Ferax, Cpt. Walson, n. Boston 2310541
City of Derry, C. Pugh, n. Queb.232535

In Summa 17,832 auf 106 Schiffen.

[Ende Spaltensatz]

2 ) von London nach Newyork.
( befördert durch G. H. Paulsen, Special - Agent für die London - und Newyorker Postschiffe, in Mainz. )

März 16. Toronto.... 78 Mai 26. Diana.... 118 Juli 29. Mediator.... 107 Oct. 16. Gladiator... 18
" 23. Switzerland.. 111 " 28. Prince Albert.. 176 Aug. 7. Quebec.... 114 " 23. Westminster.. 63
" 30. Mediator... 160 Juni 3. American Eagle. 250 " 13. Victoria.... 208 Nov. 4. Northumberland. 29
April 10. Quebec.... 172 " 10. Gladiator... 94 " 21. Independence.. 111 " 10. St. James... 111
" 17. Victoria.... 259 " 19. Westminster.. 88 " 31. Hendrik Hudson. 89 " 14. Toronto.... 46
" 24. Independence.. 223 " 30. Hargrave... 181 Sept. 8. Wellington... 127 " 22. Switzerland.. 50
Mai 4. Hendrik Hudson. 225 Juli 3. Northumberland. 192 " 21. Margaret Evans. 160 " 28. Mediator.... 26
" 9. Wellington... 189 " 9. St. James... 135 " 27. Prince Albert.. 43 Dec. 26. Victoria.... 11
" 19. Sir Robert Peel. 231 " 14. Toronto.... 135 Oct. 6. American Eagle. 76
" 20. Margaret Evans. 226 " 21. Switzerland.. 133 " 11. Sir Robert Peel. 42 Total 4,837.

Von Liverpool sind im vor. J. 134,524, im Jahre 1846 nur 74,913 Auswanderer befördert worden.

[Spaltenumbruch] selben sind, also den größten Mißbrauch damit treiben könnten. Ganz
anders ist es aber mit den meisten unserer noch nicht lange hier ein-
gewanderten Deutschen, wie ich schon oben bemerkt habe. Diese haben
sich erst zu diesen Nationaltugenden heranzubilden, und darin wie in
mancher anderen Beziehung bei den freien Amerikanern in die Schule
zu gehen, welche das Gesetz achten und lieben, ohne daß eine Masse
[Spaltenumbruch] von Polizeibeamten, Soldaten, Feldschützen und dergleichen mehr, wie
in Europa, nöthig seien, um das Volk in Furcht und Schrecken zu
erhalten. Kommt dann der Mensch aus so strenger Zucht, so miß-
braucht er leicht die Freiheit, deren Neuheit ihn berauscht, und so
mancher nur durch Zwang zurückgehaltene Unmuth und Uebermuth bricht
um so ärger hervor.

[Ende Spaltensatz]
der im Jahre 1847 von Antwerpen und London nach NORDAMERIKA expedirten Schiffe, und der damit
beförderten deutschen Auswanderer.

[Beginn Spaltensatz]

1 ) von Antwerpen a ) nach Newyork.

Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang. Passa-gierzah Reise-Tage.
Harriet, Cpt. Loones... 2 110 49
Louis, Cpt. Audiens.... 10 124 34
Casilda, Cpt. Wittels... 14 100 37
Jos. Boormann, Cpt. Peterson 14 177 43
Emma, Cpt. Mussche... 18 137 31
Epervier, Cpt. Farwell.. 18 103 31
Newhampshire, Cpt. Chase. 18 232 35
Edwina, Cpt. West.... 19 220 24
Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter.. 20 296 29
Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt. 24 201 46
Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen.. 30 150 52
Falconer, Cpt. Dennison..3010145
Infatigable, Cpt. Ten Eyck. 3 125 47
Orion, Cpt. Mathiesen... 5 111 42
America, Cpt. Hauschild.. 8 123 47
Morgenstern, Cpt. Apel.. 8 96 59
Mert, Cpt. Richardson... 8 159 48
Jean v. Eyk, Cpt. Lüttgens. 11 112 42
Frithiof, Cpt. Bornhelm.. 11 147 40
Marie Louise, Cpt. Moelenbrock 11 131 36
Carolina, Cpt. Cullberg... 14 159 44
Wilhelm, Cpt. Schulz... 14 137 64
Catharina, Cpt. Seidenwall. 16 101 60
Phenomêne, Cpt. Petersen. 16 206 58
Waternymph, Cpt. Falcus.. 19 92 60
Plato, Cpt. Holmes.... 19 107 45
Stadt Antwerpen, Cpt. Gooverts 19 157 35
Albion, Cpt. Fritsch.... 20 146 39
Louis de Geer, Cpt. Lund. 24 158 40
Kronprinz v. Hanover, C. Mennen 29 184 32
Bengal, Cpt. Cowle.... 30 121 38
Rovers Bride, Cpt. Farren.3010938
Earl of Liverpool, Cpt. Davidson 1 153 45
Einigkeit, Cpt. Schottey.. 2 78 49
Eolus, Cpt. Schörnberg.. 5 137 57
Sylphiden, Cpt. Elliger... 6 147 50
Waldemar, Cpt. Schmitz..713731

Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang Passa-gierzahl. Reise-Tage.
Commerce, Cpt. Steene.. 7 74 33
Amalia, Cpt. Visser.... 8 133 37
Olof, Cpt. Sweucon.... 8 231 51
Cecrops, Cpt. Wildfang.. 10 180 36
Elisabeth, Cpt. Hugy... - 145 47
Fried. Franz, Cpt. Vollmer. - 168 47
Fritz, Cpt. Fiörnberg... - 150 45
Jupiter Cpt. Iverson... - 121 41
Greiff, Cpt. Schmitt.... 13 136 44
Cath Stewart Forbes, C. Watson 15 187 44
Herrmann, Cpt. Bole... 16 104 39
Sylvester, Cpt. Schulz... 17 107 50
Magdalena, Cpt. Deetzen.. 20 90 47
Neread, Cpt. Escott.... 22 210 33
Cate, Cpt. Gargenwich... 23 163 36
Hebe, Cpt. Lund..... 23 134 38
Albertina, Cpt. Feght... 23 105 60
Victoria, Cpt. Harthorne.. 26 204 24
Sharon, Cpt. Lucas.... 26 113 29
Amphion, Cpt. Trapp...3115737
Duc de Brabant, Cpt. Schmitt 1 206 39
Hertfordshire, Cpt. Richardson 2 525 35
Ocean, Cpt. de Ruyter... 10 129 46
Coromandel, Cpt. Watts.. 15 240 37
Columbus, Cpt. Meyer... 17 150 42
Wm. Larrabee, Cpt. Larrabee 17 100 37
Charles Quint, Cpt. Mussche. 24 178 44
Jean Key, Cpt. Lechere.. 24 144 41
Anna Welsh, Cpt. Magna.2715035
Courrier, Cpt. Cordier... 2 84 39
Federico, Cpt. Girovii... 9 124 47
Vierge Marie, Cpt. Brock. 10 128 41
Louvre, Cpt. Allyn.... 16 148 38
Martha, Cpt. Wise.... 18 116 32
Anversois, Cpt. Moelenbrock. 19 120 32
Epervier, Cpt. Farwell... 24 106 37
Augusta, Cpt. Dannberg.. 27 136 45
Louis, Cpt. Audiens....2912040

Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang Passa-gierzahl. Reise-Tage.
Medora, Cpt. Borland... 2 164 31
Echo, Cpt. Schörnberg... 11 120 44
Ontario, Cpt. Holmes... 22 210 29
Philadelphia, Cpt. Dunn..2221221
Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter.. 6 298 29
Rideout, Cpt. Brown... 7 167 33
Thomas Bennet, Cpt. Bennet 20 167 35
Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen.. 23 84 41
Edwina, Cpt. West....2421628
Mayflower, Cpt. Hitchcock. 1 206 30
Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt.. 10 183 31
Rio Grande, Cpt. Freemann. 12 181 31
Globe, Cpt. Theobald... 22 143 42
Attica, Cpt. Mac Lellan 2314537
St. Antwerpen, C. Govarls..18146
Louvre, Cpt. Allyn.. 148
Luconia, Cpt. Hamilton.. 18 69
b ) nach Neworleans.
John Parker, C. Cummings Febr. 25 125 58
Charlemagne, Cpt. Falcs März 24 297 49
Olbers, Cpt. Exter April 11 190 52
Mauran, Cpt. Williams Sept. 3 101 59
Hartley, Cpt. Lord... „ 24 161 39
Elisa, Cpt. Wight... „ 28 111 48
Mary Ellen, Cpt. Griffeth Oct. 24 97
General Green, Cpt. Snow „ 24 98
Empire, Cpt. Hall Nov. 19 108
Moselle, Cpt. Somersby Dec. 11 125
c ) nach anderen Plätzen .
Ferax, Cpt. Walson, n. Boston 2310541
City of Derry, C. Pugh, n. Queb.232535

In Summa 17,832 auf 106 Schiffen.

[Ende Spaltensatz]

2 ) von London nach Newyork.
( befördert durch G. H. Paulsen, Special - Agent für die London - und Newyorker Postschiffe, in Mainz. )

März 16. Toronto.... 78 Mai 26. Diana.... 118 Juli 29. Mediator.... 107 Oct. 16. Gladiator... 18
„ 23. Switzerland.. 111 „ 28. Prince Albert.. 176 Aug. 7. Quebec.... 114 „ 23. Westminster.. 63
„ 30. Mediator... 160 Juni 3. American Eagle. 250 „ 13. Victoria.... 208 Nov. 4. Northumberland. 29
April 10. Quebec.... 172 „ 10. Gladiator... 94 „ 21. Independence.. 111 „ 10. St. James... 111
„ 17. Victoria.... 259 „ 19. Westminster.. 88 „ 31. Hendrik Hudson. 89 „ 14. Toronto.... 46
„ 24. Independence.. 223 „ 30. Hargrave... 181 Sept. 8. Wellington... 127 „ 22. Switzerland.. 50
Mai 4. Hendrik Hudson. 225 Juli 3. Northumberland. 192 „ 21. Margaret Evans. 160 „ 28. Mediator.... 26
„ 9. Wellington... 189 „ 9. St. James... 135 „ 27. Prince Albert.. 43 Dec. 26. Victoria.... 11
„ 19. Sir Robert Peel. 231 „ 14. Toronto.... 135 Oct. 6. American Eagle. 76
„ 20. Margaret Evans. 226 „ 21. Switzerland.. 133 „ 11. Sir Robert Peel. 42 Total 4,837.

Von Liverpool sind im vor. J. 134,524, im Jahre 1846 nur 74,913 Auswanderer befördert worden.

      <div type="jPoliticalNews">
        <div type="jPoliticalNews">
          <p><pb facs="#f0003"/><cb n="117"/>
selben sind, also den größten Mißbrauch damit treiben könnten. Ganz<lb/>
anders ist es aber mit den meisten unserer noch nicht lange hier ein-<lb/>
gewanderten Deutschen, wie ich schon oben bemerkt habe. Diese haben<lb/>
sich erst zu diesen Nationaltugenden heranzubilden, und darin wie in<lb/>
mancher anderen Beziehung bei den freien Amerikanern in die Schule<lb/>
zu gehen, welche das Gesetz achten und lieben, ohne daß eine Masse<lb/><cb n="118"/>
von Polizeibeamten, Soldaten, Feldschützen und dergleichen mehr, wie<lb/>
in Europa, nöthig seien, um das Volk in Furcht und Schrecken zu<lb/>
erhalten. Kommt dann der Mensch aus so strenger Zucht, so miß-<lb/>
braucht er leicht die Freiheit, deren Neuheit ihn berauscht, und so<lb/>
mancher nur durch Zwang zurückgehaltene Unmuth und Uebermuth bricht<lb/>
um so ärger hervor.   </p>
          <cb type="end"/>
      <div n="1">
        <head> <hi rendition="#aq">UEBERSICHT<lb/>
der im Jahre 1847 von Antwerpen und London nach NORDAMERIKA expedirten Schiffe, und der damit<lb/>
beförderten deutschen Auswanderer.</hi> </head><lb/>
        <cb type="start"/>
        <p>1 ) <hi rendition="#aq">von Antwerpen a ) nach Newyork.</hi> </p><lb/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Abgang.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Passa-gierzah</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Reise-Tage.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Capitäne</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Mrz</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Harriet, Cpt. Loones...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">2</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">110</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">49</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Louis, Cpt. Audiens....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">10</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">124</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">34</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Casilda, Cpt. Wittels...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">14</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">100</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">37</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Jos. Boormann, Cpt. Peterson</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">14</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">177</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">43</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Emma, Cpt. Mussche...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">18</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">137</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">31</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Epervier, Cpt. Farwell..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">18</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">103</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">31</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Newhampshire, Cpt. Chase.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">18</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">232</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">35</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Edwina, Cpt. West....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">19</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">220</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">20</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">296</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">29</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">201</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">46</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">30</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">150</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">52</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Falconer, Cpt. Dennison</hi>..</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">30</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">101</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">45</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Apr</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Infatigable, Cpt. Ten Eyck.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">3</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">125</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">47</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Orion, Cpt. Mathiesen...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">5</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">111</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">42</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">America, Cpt. Hauschild..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">8</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">123</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">47</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Morgenstern, Cpt. Apel..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">8</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">96</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">59</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mert, Cpt. Richardson...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">8</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">159</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">48</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Jean v. Eyk, Cpt. Lüttgens.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">11</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">112</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">42</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Frithiof, Cpt. Bornhelm..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">11</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">147</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">40</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Marie Louise, Cpt. Moelenbrock</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">11</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">131</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">36</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Carolina, Cpt. Cullberg...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">14</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">159</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">44</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Wilhelm, Cpt. Schulz...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">14</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">137</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">64</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Catharina, Cpt. Seidenwall.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">16</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">101</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">60</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Phenomêne, Cpt. Petersen.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">16</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">206</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">58</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Waternymph, Cpt. Falcus..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">19</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">92</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">60</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Plato, Cpt. Holmes....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">19</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">107</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">45</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Stadt Antwerpen, Cpt. Gooverts</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">19</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">157</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">35</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Albion, Cpt. Fritsch....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">20</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">146</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">39</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Louis de Geer, Cpt. Lund.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">158</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">40</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Kronprinz v. Hanover, C. Mennen</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">29</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">184</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">32</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Bengal, Cpt. Cowle....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">30</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">121</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">38</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Rovers Bride, Cpt. Farren</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">30</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">109</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">38</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mai</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Earl of Liverpool, Cpt. Davidson</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">1</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">153</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">45</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Einigkeit, Cpt. Schottey..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">2</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">78</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">49</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Eolus, Cpt. Schörnberg..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">5</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">137</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">57</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Sylphiden, Cpt. Elliger...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">6</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">147</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">50</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Waldemar, Cpt. Schmitz</hi>..</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">7</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">137</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">31</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Abgang</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Passa-gierzahl.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Reise-Tage.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Capitäne</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mai</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Commerce, Cpt. Steene..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">7</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">74</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">33</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Amalia, Cpt. Visser....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">8</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">133</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">37</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Olof, Cpt. Sweucon....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">8</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">231</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">51</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cecrops, Cpt. Wildfang..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">10</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">180</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">36</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Elisabeth, Cpt. Hugy...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">-</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">145</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">47</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Fried. Franz, Cpt. Vollmer.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">-</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">168</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">47</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Fritz, Cpt. Fiörnberg...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">-</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">150</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">45</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Jupiter Cpt. Iverson...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">-</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">121</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">41</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Greiff, Cpt. Schmitt....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">13</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">136</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">44</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cath Stewart Forbes, C. Watson</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">15</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">187</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">44</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Herrmann, Cpt. Bole...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">16</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">104</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">39</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Sylvester, Cpt. Schulz...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">17</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">107</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">50</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Magdalena, Cpt. Deetzen..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">20</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">90</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">47</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Neread, Cpt. Escott....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">22</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">210</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">33</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cate, Cpt. Gargenwich...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">23</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">163</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">36</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Hebe, Cpt. Lund.....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">23</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">134</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">38</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Albertina, Cpt. Feght...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">23</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">105</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">60</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Victoria, Cpt. Harthorne..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">26</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">204</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Sharon, Cpt. Lucas....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">26</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">113</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">29</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Amphion, Cpt. Trapp</hi>...</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">31</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">157</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">37</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Juni</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Duc de Brabant, Cpt. Schmitt</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">1</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">206</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">39</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Hertfordshire, Cpt. Richardson</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">2</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">525</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">35</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Ocean, Cpt. de Ruyter...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">10</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">129</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">46</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Coromandel, Cpt. Watts..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">15</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">240</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">37</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Columbus, Cpt. Meyer...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">17</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">150</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">42</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Wm. Larrabee, Cpt. Larrabee</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">17</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">100</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">37</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Charles Quint, Cpt. Mussche.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">178</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">44</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Jean Key, Cpt. Lechere..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">144</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">41</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Anna Welsh, Cpt. Magna</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">27</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">150</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">35</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Juli</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Courrier, Cpt. Cordier...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">2</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">84</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">39</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Federico, Cpt. Girovii...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">9</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">124</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">47</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Vierge Marie, Cpt. Brock.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">10</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">128</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">41</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Louvre, Cpt. Allyn....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">16</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">148</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">38</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Martha, Cpt. Wise....</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">18</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">116</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">32</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Anversois, Cpt. Moelenbrock.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">19</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">120</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">32</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Epervier, Cpt. Farwell...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">106</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">37</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Augusta, Cpt. Dannberg..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">27</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">136</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">45</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Louis, Cpt. Audiens</hi>....</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">29</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">120</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">40</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Abgang</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Passa-gierzahl.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Reise-Tage.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Capitäne</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Aug</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Medora, Cpt. Borland...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">2</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">164</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">31</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Echo, Cpt. Schörnberg...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">11</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">120</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">44</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Ontario, Cpt. Holmes...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">22</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">210</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">29</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Philadelphia, Cpt. Dunn</hi>..</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">22</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">212</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">21</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Spt</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">6</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">298</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">29</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Rideout, Cpt. Brown...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">7</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">167</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">33</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Thomas Bennet, Cpt. Bennet</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">20</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">167</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">35</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">23</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">84</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">41</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Edwina, Cpt. West</hi>....</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">24</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">216</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">28</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Oct</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mayflower, Cpt. Hitchcock.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">1</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">206</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">30</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">10</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">183</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">31</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Rio Grande, Cpt. Freemann.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">12</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">181</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">31</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Globe, Cpt. Theobald...</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">22</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">143</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">42</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Attica, Cpt. Mac Lellan</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">23</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">145</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">37</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Nov</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">St. Antwerpen, C. Govarls</hi>..</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">18</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">146</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Dec</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Louvre, Cpt. Allyn..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">148</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Luconia, Cpt. Hamilton..</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">18</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">69</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">b ) nach Neworleans.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">John Parker, C. Cummings Febr.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">25</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">125</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">58</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Charlemagne, Cpt. Falcs März</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">297</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">49</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Olbers, Cpt. Exter April</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">11</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">190</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">52</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mauran, Cpt. Williams Sept.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">3</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">101</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">59</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Hartley, Cpt. Lord... &#x201E;</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">161</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">39</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Elisa, Cpt. Wight... &#x201E;</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">28</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">111</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">48</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mary Ellen, Cpt. Griffeth Oct.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">97</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">General Green, Cpt. Snow &#x201E;</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">24</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">98</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Empire, Cpt. Hall Nov.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">19</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">108</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Moselle, Cpt. Somersby Dec.</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">11</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">125</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">c ) nach <hi rendition="#g">anderen Plätzen</hi> </hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mai</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Ferax, Cpt. Walson, n. Boston</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">23</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">105</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">41</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Juni</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">City of Derry, C. Pugh, n. Queb</hi>.</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">2</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">325</cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1">35</cell>
        <p> <hi rendition="#aq">In Summa 17,832 auf 106 Schiffen.</hi> </p><lb/>
        <cb type="end"/>
        <p>2 ) <hi rendition="#aq">von London nach Newyork.</hi><lb/>
( <hi rendition="#aq">befördert durch G. H. Paulsen, Special - Agent für die London - und Newyorker Postschiffe, in Mainz. ) </hi></p><lb/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">März 16. Toronto.... 78</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mai 26. Diana.... 118</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Juli 29. Mediator.... 107</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Oct. 16. Gladiator... 18</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 23. Switzerland.. 111</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 28. Prince Albert.. 176</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Aug. 7. Quebec.... 114</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 23. Westminster.. 63</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 30. Mediator... 160</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Juni 3. American Eagle. 250</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 13. Victoria.... 208</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Nov. 4. Northumberland. 29</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">April 10. Quebec.... 172</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 10. Gladiator... 94</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 21. Independence.. 111</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 10. St. James... 111</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 17. Victoria.... 259</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 19. Westminster.. 88</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 31. Hendrik Hudson. 89</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 14. Toronto.... 46</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 24. Independence.. 223</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 30. Hargrave... 181</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Sept. 8. Wellington... 127</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 22. Switzerland.. 50</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Mai 4. Hendrik Hudson. 225</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Juli 3. Northumberland. 192</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 21. Margaret Evans. 160</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 28. Mediator.... 26</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 9. Wellington... 189</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 9. St. James... 135</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 27. Prince Albert.. 43</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Dec. 26. Victoria.... 11</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 19. Sir Robert Peel. 231</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 14. Toronto.... 135</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">Oct. 6. American Eagle. 76</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq"/>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 20. Margaret Evans. 226</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 21. Switzerland.. 133</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"> <hi rendition="#aq">&#x201E; 11. Sir Robert Peel. 42</hi> </cell>
            <cell rows="1" cols="1"><hi rendition="#aq">Total</hi> 4,837.</cell>
        <p rendition="#c"> <hi rendition="#aq">Von Liverpool sind im vor. J. 134,524, im Jahre 1846 nur 74,913 Auswanderer befördert worden.</hi> </p>
[0003] selben sind, also den größten Mißbrauch damit treiben könnten. Ganz anders ist es aber mit den meisten unserer noch nicht lange hier ein- gewanderten Deutschen, wie ich schon oben bemerkt habe. Diese haben sich erst zu diesen Nationaltugenden heranzubilden, und darin wie in mancher anderen Beziehung bei den freien Amerikanern in die Schule zu gehen, welche das Gesetz achten und lieben, ohne daß eine Masse von Polizeibeamten, Soldaten, Feldschützen und dergleichen mehr, wie in Europa, nöthig seien, um das Volk in Furcht und Schrecken zu erhalten. Kommt dann der Mensch aus so strenger Zucht, so miß- braucht er leicht die Freiheit, deren Neuheit ihn berauscht, und so mancher nur durch Zwang zurückgehaltene Unmuth und Uebermuth bricht um so ärger hervor. UEBERSICHT der im Jahre 1847 von Antwerpen und London nach NORDAMERIKA expedirten Schiffe, und der damit beförderten deutschen Auswanderer. 1 ) von Antwerpen a ) nach Newyork. Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang. Passa-gierzah Reise-Tage. Capitäne. Mrz. Harriet, Cpt. Loones... 2 110 49 Louis, Cpt. Audiens.... 10 124 34 Casilda, Cpt. Wittels... 14 100 37 Jos. Boormann, Cpt. Peterson 14 177 43 Emma, Cpt. Mussche... 18 137 31 Epervier, Cpt. Farwell.. 18 103 31 Newhampshire, Cpt. Chase. 18 232 35 Edwina, Cpt. West.... 19 220 24 Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter.. 20 296 29 Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt. 24 201 46 Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen.. 30 150 52 Falconer, Cpt. Dennison.. 30 101 45 Apr. Infatigable, Cpt. Ten Eyck. 3 125 47 Orion, Cpt. Mathiesen... 5 111 42 America, Cpt. Hauschild.. 8 123 47 Morgenstern, Cpt. Apel.. 8 96 59 Mert, Cpt. Richardson... 8 159 48 Jean v. Eyk, Cpt. Lüttgens. 11 112 42 Frithiof, Cpt. Bornhelm.. 11 147 40 Marie Louise, Cpt. Moelenbrock 11 131 36 Carolina, Cpt. Cullberg... 14 159 44 Wilhelm, Cpt. Schulz... 14 137 64 Catharina, Cpt. Seidenwall. 16 101 60 Phenomêne, Cpt. Petersen. 16 206 58 Waternymph, Cpt. Falcus.. 19 92 60 Plato, Cpt. Holmes.... 19 107 45 Stadt Antwerpen, Cpt. Gooverts 19 157 35 Albion, Cpt. Fritsch.... 20 146 39 Louis de Geer, Cpt. Lund. 24 158 40 Kronprinz v. Hanover, C. Mennen 29 184 32 Bengal, Cpt. Cowle.... 30 121 38 Rovers Bride, Cpt. Farren. 30 109 38 Mai Earl of Liverpool, Cpt. Davidson 1 153 45 Einigkeit, Cpt. Schottey.. 2 78 49 Eolus, Cpt. Schörnberg.. 5 137 57 Sylphiden, Cpt. Elliger... 6 147 50 Waldemar, Cpt. Schmitz.. 7 137 31 Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang Passa-gierzahl. Reise-Tage. Capitäne. Mai Commerce, Cpt. Steene.. 7 74 33 Amalia, Cpt. Visser.... 8 133 37 Olof, Cpt. Sweucon.... 8 231 51 Cecrops, Cpt. Wildfang.. 10 180 36 Elisabeth, Cpt. Hugy... - 145 47 Fried. Franz, Cpt. Vollmer. - 168 47 Fritz, Cpt. Fiörnberg... - 150 45 Jupiter Cpt. Iverson... - 121 41 Greiff, Cpt. Schmitt.... 13 136 44 Cath Stewart Forbes, C. Watson 15 187 44 Herrmann, Cpt. Bole... 16 104 39 Sylvester, Cpt. Schulz... 17 107 50 Magdalena, Cpt. Deetzen.. 20 90 47 Neread, Cpt. Escott.... 22 210 33 Cate, Cpt. Gargenwich... 23 163 36 Hebe, Cpt. Lund..... 23 134 38 Albertina, Cpt. Feght... 23 105 60 Victoria, Cpt. Harthorne.. 26 204 24 Sharon, Cpt. Lucas.... 26 113 29 Amphion, Cpt. Trapp... 31 157 37 Juni Duc de Brabant, Cpt. Schmitt 1 206 39 Hertfordshire, Cpt. Richardson 2 525 35 Ocean, Cpt. de Ruyter... 10 129 46 Coromandel, Cpt. Watts.. 15 240 37 Columbus, Cpt. Meyer... 17 150 42 Wm. Larrabee, Cpt. Larrabee 17 100 37 Charles Quint, Cpt. Mussche. 24 178 44 Jean Key, Cpt. Lechere.. 24 144 41 Anna Welsh, Cpt. Magna. 27 150 35 Juli Courrier, Cpt. Cordier... 2 84 39 Federico, Cpt. Girovii... 9 124 47 Vierge Marie, Cpt. Brock. 10 128 41 Louvre, Cpt. Allyn.... 16 148 38 Martha, Cpt. Wise.... 18 116 32 Anversois, Cpt. Moelenbrock. 19 120 32 Epervier, Cpt. Farwell... 24 106 37 Augusta, Cpt. Dannberg.. 27 136 45 Louis, Cpt. Audiens.... 29 120 40 Namen der Schiffe, und ihrer Abgang Passa-gierzahl. Reise-Tage. Capitäne. Aug. Medora, Cpt. Borland... 2 164 31 Echo, Cpt. Schörnberg... 11 120 44 Ontario, Cpt. Holmes... 22 210 29 Philadelphia, Cpt. Dunn.. 22 212 21 Spt. Shakspeare, Cpt. Porter.. 6 298 29 Rideout, Cpt. Brown... 7 167 33 Thomas Bennet, Cpt. Bennet 20 167 35 Aurora, Cpt. Jörgensen.. 23 84 41 Edwina, Cpt. West.... 24 216 28 Oct. Mayflower, Cpt. Hitchcock. 1 206 30 Cotton Planter, Cpt. Pratt.. 10 183 31 Rio Grande, Cpt. Freemann. 12 181 31 Globe, Cpt. Theobald... 22 143 42 Attica, Cpt. Mac Lellan 23 145 37 Nov. St. Antwerpen, C. Govarls.. 18 146 Dec. Louvre, Cpt. Allyn.. 148 Luconia, Cpt. Hamilton.. 18 69 b ) nach Neworleans. John Parker, C. Cummings Febr. 25 125 58 Charlemagne, Cpt. Falcs März 24 297 49 Olbers, Cpt. Exter April 11 190 52 Mauran, Cpt. Williams Sept. 3 101 59 Hartley, Cpt. Lord... „ 24 161 39 Elisa, Cpt. Wight... „ 28 111 48 Mary Ellen, Cpt. Griffeth Oct. 24 97 General Green, Cpt. Snow „ 24 98 Empire, Cpt. Hall Nov. 19 108 Moselle, Cpt. Somersby Dec. 11 125 c ) nach anderen Plätzen . Mai Ferax, Cpt. Walson, n. Boston 23 105 41 Juni City of Derry, C. Pugh, n. Queb. 2 325 35 In Summa 17,832 auf 106 Schiffen. 2 ) von London nach Newyork. ( befördert durch G. H. Paulsen, Special - Agent für die London - und Newyorker Postschiffe, in Mainz. ) März 16. Toronto.... 78 Mai 26. Diana.... 118 Juli 29. Mediator.... 107 Oct. 16. Gladiator... 18 „ 23. Switzerland.. 111 „ 28. Prince Albert.. 176 Aug. 7. Quebec.... 114 „ 23. Westminster.. 63 „ 30. Mediator... 160 Juni 3. American Eagle. 250 „ 13. Victoria.... 208 Nov. 4. Northumberland. 29 April 10. Quebec.... 172 „ 10. Gladiator... 94 „ 21. Independence.. 111 „ 10. St. James... 111 „ 17. Victoria.... 259 „ 19. Westminster.. 88 „ 31. Hendrik Hudson. 89 „ 14. Toronto.... 46 „ 24. Independence.. 223 „ 30. Hargrave... 181 Sept. 8. Wellington... 127 „ 22. Switzerland.. 50 Mai 4. Hendrik Hudson. 225 Juli 3. Northumberland. 192 „ 21. Margaret Evans. 160 „ 28. Mediator.... 26 „ 9. Wellington... 189 „ 9. St. James... 135 „ 27. Prince Albert.. 43 Dec. 26. Victoria.... 11 „ 19. Sir Robert Peel. 231 „ 14. Toronto.... 135 Oct. 6. American Eagle. 76 „ 20. Margaret Evans. 226 „ 21. Switzerland.. 133 „ 11. Sir Robert Peel. 42 Total 4,837. Von Liverpool sind im vor. J. 134,524, im Jahre 1846 nur 74,913 Auswanderer befördert worden.

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Zitationshilfe: Allgemeine Auswanderungs-Zeitung. Nr. 8. Rudolstadt, 21. Februar 1848, S. . In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 18.10.2024.