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[N. N.]: Promptuarium Medicinae, niederdeutsch. Magdeburg, 1483.

<< vorherige Seite
Cameelshow soke squinantum    xxiij
DAdelen is dactilus    xxiij
dach vnde nacht ek    xxiiij
Desem is muscus in latine    xxiiij
Des hilligen kerstesword    xxvj
Dyl dylbe is anetum absinte    xxv
Dyckdam is diptanus in latine    xxvj
Dystel is tribulus dystel de    xxvi
Distel de het lopende distel    xxvj
Donrebone donrelok droswort    xxvj
Dost is origanum he is heyt    xxvj
Duuelsbete suntepeterswort    xxvij
Duuenkeruele nunnenkrut    xxvij
Duuenuot ossennauel is aspa    xxvij
Duuenuet is ock krut dat    xxvij
Dreblat socke ¶ Clecleuer    xxj
Drosword is donrebone    xxvj
Dropwort is dach vnde nacht    xiiiij
Dragant dragantum is wit    xxvii
Dannenswamp ¶ Agricus    xxviij

Ekmispel is fiscus quer    xxviij
Ertrok is funus terre    xxviij
Eppe is merck socke dat    liiij
Eldere is alhorne holderen    xlv
Eckwort is dach vnde nacht    xxiiij
Enghersche is beuenelle    xj
Edeberenbrot gele swerdeye    xxviij
Eke ekenbom de was Jupiter    xxix
Ekappele Galla Galle    xxix
Eckerne van den eken bomen    xxx
Eckuarne is pollipodium    xxx
Enciane genciana dardana    xxx
Engeuer is cinciber gin    xxx
Endiuia is lactuca agrestis    xxxj
Erwete pysa Robeke sint    xxxj
Ertappel Ertwycken tola     xxxij
Ertberen to latine fragum    xxxij
Esschenpom essche to latine    xxxij
Etick in latine acetumm    xxxij
Etick van beyre den gud    xxxiiij
Eueritte is abrotanum in la    xxxiij
Euerword is agramen    xxxiiij
Eygere van honren    xxxiiij
Nota magister iohannes de rubri    xxxv
Fyole ys fiola is kold    xxxv
fyolen de swarte    xxxvj
Fiolen dede wytte sy    xxxvj
Fyn speck vth walschen landen    lxxij
Filipendula to dude    xxxvj
Fenugrecum fenugreck    xxxvj
Fimelsterne schoneken    xxxvij
GArtkome is carue    xxxvij
Gard ringele goldeke    xxxviij
Galigan is galanga is ci    xxxviij
Gartkonele peperkrud    xxxviij
Gersz gerse gersele grot    xxxix
Ghele cleuer dreblat    xxxix
Goldword Schelword    xxxix
Gherste is to latine ordeum    xxxix
Gesoden wyn edder must    xl
Gold dat gloyge in dem vure    xl
Gundram is attestilla    xl
Grot laddeke het bardana    xl
Gesegelt erde terra sigillata    xl
Grespeck is en buten    xl
Galissiensteyn kopperock    xl
HAselword wylde    xl
[H]uylsnack hulsnack    xli
Honeswarwe is aheyle    ij
Hasselnote sint kolder nature    xli
Hauer wasset aldermeyst    xli
Hennepsad is heyt vnde droge    xli
Hertestunge scolopendria     xli
Huslock semperuiuum    xli
Hundesblomen caclafedida    xlij
Hundestunge cinoglossa    xlij
Hertekele hackele acutella    xlij
hamerslach fuligo    xlij
Hulsz cameleon den wytten    xliij
Cameelshow soke squinantum    xxiij
DAdelen is dactilus    xxiij
dach vnde nacht ek    xxiiij
Desem is muscus in latine    xxiiij
Des hilligen kerstesword    xxvj
Dyl dylbe is anetum absinte    xxv
Dyckdam is diptanus in latine    xxvj
Dystel is tribulus dystel de    xxvi
Distel de het lopende distel    xxvj
Donrebone donrelok droswort    xxvj
Dost is origanum he is heyt    xxvj
Duuelsbete suntepeterswort    xxvij
Duuenkeruele nunnenkrut    xxvij
Duuenuot ossennauel is aspa    xxvij
Duuenuet is ock krut dat    xxvij
Dreblat socke ¶ Clecleuer    xxj
Drosword is donrebone    xxvj
Dropwort is dach vnde nacht    xiiiij
Dragant dragantum is wit    xxvii
Dannenswamp ¶ Agricus    xxviij

Ekmispel is fiscus quer    xxviij
Ertrok is funus terre    xxviij
Eppe is merck socke dat    liiij
Eldere is alhorne holderen    xlv
Eckwort is dach vnde nacht    xxiiij
Enghersche is beuenelle    xj
Edeberenbrot gele swerdeye    xxviij
Eke ekenbom de was Jupiter    xxix
Ekappele Galla Galle    xxix
Eckerne van den eken bomen    xxx
Eckuarne is pollipodium    xxx
Enciane genciana dardana    xxx
Engeuer is cinciber gin    xxx
Endiuia is lactuca agrestis    xxxj
Erwete pysa Robeke sint    xxxj
Ertappel Ertwycken tola     xxxij
Ertberen to latine fragum    xxxij
Esschenpom essche to latine    xxxij
Etick in latine acetumm    xxxij
Etick van beyre den gud    xxxiiij
Eueritte is abrotanum in la    xxxiij
Euerword is agramen    xxxiiij
Eygere van honren    xxxiiij
Nota magister iohannes de rubri    xxxv
Fyole ys fiola is kold    xxxv
fyolen de swarte    xxxvj
Fiolen dede wytte sy    xxxvj
Fyn speck vth walschen landen    lxxij
Filipendula to dude    xxxvj
Fenugrecum fenugreck    xxxvj
Fimelsterne schoneken    xxxvij
GArtkome is carue    xxxvij
Gard ringele goldeke    xxxviij
Galigan is galanga is ci    xxxviij
Gartkonele peperkrud    xxxviij
Gersz gerse gersele grot    xxxix
Ghele cleuer dreblat    xxxix
Goldword Schelword    xxxix
Gherste is to latine ordeum    xxxix
Gesoden wyn edder must    xl
Gold dat gloyge in dem vure    xl
Gundram is attestilla    xl
Grot laddeke het bardana    xl
Gesegelt erde terra sigillata    xl
Grespeck is en buten    xl
Galissiensteyn kopperock    xl
HAselword wylde    xl
[H]uylsnack hulsnack    xli
Honeswarwe is aheyle    ij
Hasselnote sint kolder nature    xli
Hauer wasset aldermeyst    xli
Hennepsad is heyt vnde droge    xli
Hertestunge scolopendria     xli
Huslock semperuiuum    xli
Hundesblomen caclafedida    xlij
Hundestunge cinoglossa    xlij
Hertekele hackele acutella    xlij
hamerslach fuligo    xlij
Hulsz cameleon den wytten    xliij
      <div type="index" n="1">
        <div n="2">
            <pb facs="#f0010"/>
            <item>      Cameelshow soke squinantum<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item><hi rendition="#in">D</hi>Adelen is dactilus<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>xxiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      dach vnde nacht ek<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxiiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Desem is muscus in latine<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxiiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Des hilligen kerstesword<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dyl dylbe is anetum absinte<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxv</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dyckdam is diptanus in latine<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dystel is tribulus dystel de<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvi</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Distel de het lopende distel<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Donrebone donrelok droswort<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dost is origanum he is heyt<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Duuelsbete suntepeterswort<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Duuenkeruele nunnenkrut<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item><choice><sic>Dunenuot</sic><corr>Duuenuot</corr></choice> ossennauel is aspa<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Duuenuet is ock krut dat<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dreblat socke ¶ Clecleuer<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Drosword is donrebone<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dropwort is dach vnde nacht<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xiiiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dragant dragantum is wit<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxvii</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Dannenswamp ¶ Agricus<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxviij</ref></item><lb/>
            <space dim="vertical"/>
            <item><hi rendition="#in">E</hi>kmispel is fiscus quer<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>xxviij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Ertrok is funus terre<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxviij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eppe is merck socke dat<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>liiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eldere is alhorne holderen<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xlv</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eckwort is dach vnde nacht<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxiiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Enghersche is beuenelle<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Edeberenbrot gele swerdeye<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxviij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eke ekenbom de was Jupiter<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxix</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Ekappele Galla Galle<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxix</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eckerne van den eken bomen<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxx</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eckuarne is pollipodium<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxx</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Enciane genciana dardana<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxx</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Engeuer is cinciber gin<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxx</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Endiuia is lactuca agrestis<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Erwete pysa Robeke sint<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Ertappel Ertwycken tola <space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Ertberen to latine fragum<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Esschenpom essche to latine<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Etick in latine acetumm<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Etick van beyre den gud<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxiiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eueritte is abrotanum in la<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Euerword is agramen<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxiiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Eygere van honren<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxiiij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Nota magister iohannes de rubri<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxv</ref></item><lb/>
            <item><hi rendition="#in">F</hi>yole ys fiola is kold<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>xxxv</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      fyolen de swarte<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Fiolen dede wytte sy<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Fyn speck vth walschen landen<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>lxxij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Filipendula to dude<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Fenugrecum fenugreck<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxvj</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Fimelsterne schoneken<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxvij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item><hi rendition="#in">G</hi>Artkome is carue<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>xxxvij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gard ringele goldeke<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxviij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Galigan is galanga is ci<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxviij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gartkonele peperkrud<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxviij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gersz gerse gersele grot<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxix</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Ghele cleuer dreblat<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxix</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Goldword Schelword<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxix</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gherste is to latine ordeum<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xxxix</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gesoden wyn edder must<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gold dat gloyge in dem vure<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gundram is attestilla<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Grot laddeke het bardana<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Gesegelt erde terra sigillata<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Grespeck is en buten<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Galissiensteyn kopperock<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item><hi rendition="#in">H</hi>Aselword wylde<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>xl</ref></item><lb/>
            <item><supplied>H</supplied>uylsnack hulsnack<space dim="horizontal"/><ref>xli</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Honeswarwe is aheyle<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>ij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hasselnote sint kolder nature<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xli</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hauer wasset aldermeyst<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xli</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hennepsad is heyt vnde droge<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xli</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hertestunge scolopendria <space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xli</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Huslock semperuiuum<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xli</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hundesblomen caclafedida<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xlij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hundestunge cinoglossa<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xlij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hertekele hackele acutella<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xlij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      hamerslach fuligo<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xlij</ref></item><lb/>
            <item>      Hulsz cameleon den wytten<space dim="horizontal"/> <ref>xliij</ref></item>
[0010] Cameelshow soke squinantum xxiij DAdelen is dactilus xxiij dach vnde nacht ek xxiiij Desem is muscus in latine xxiiij Des hilligen kerstesword xxvj Dyl dylbe is anetum absinte xxv Dyckdam is diptanus in latine xxvj Dystel is tribulus dystel de xxvi Distel de het lopende distel xxvj Donrebone donrelok droswort xxvj Dost is origanum he is heyt xxvj Duuelsbete suntepeterswort xxvij Duuenkeruele nunnenkrut xxvij Duuenuot ossennauel is aspa xxvij Duuenuet is ock krut dat xxvij Dreblat socke ¶ Clecleuer xxj Drosword is donrebone xxvj Dropwort is dach vnde nacht xiiiij Dragant dragantum is wit xxvii Dannenswamp ¶ Agricus xxviij Ekmispel is fiscus quer xxviij Ertrok is funus terre xxviij Eppe is merck socke dat liiij Eldere is alhorne holderen xlv Eckwort is dach vnde nacht xxiiij Enghersche is beuenelle xj Edeberenbrot gele swerdeye xxviij Eke ekenbom de was Jupiter xxix Ekappele Galla Galle xxix Eckerne van den eken bomen xxx Eckuarne is pollipodium xxx Enciane genciana dardana xxx Engeuer is cinciber gin xxx Endiuia is lactuca agrestis xxxj Erwete pysa Robeke sint xxxj Ertappel Ertwycken tola xxxij Ertberen to latine fragum xxxij Esschenpom essche to latine xxxij Etick in latine acetumm xxxij Etick van beyre den gud xxxiiij Eueritte is abrotanum in la xxxiij Euerword is agramen xxxiiij Eygere van honren xxxiiij Nota magister iohannes de rubri xxxv Fyole ys fiola is kold xxxv fyolen de swarte xxxvj Fiolen dede wytte sy xxxvj Fyn speck vth walschen landen lxxij Filipendula to dude xxxvj Fenugrecum fenugreck xxxvj Fimelsterne schoneken xxxvij GArtkome is carue xxxvij Gard ringele goldeke xxxviij Galigan is galanga is ci xxxviij Gartkonele peperkrud xxxviij Gersz gerse gersele grot xxxix Ghele cleuer dreblat xxxix Goldword Schelword xxxix Gherste is to latine ordeum xxxix Gesoden wyn edder must xl Gold dat gloyge in dem vure xl Gundram is attestilla xl Grot laddeke het bardana xl Gesegelt erde terra sigillata xl Grespeck is en buten xl Galissiensteyn kopperock xl HAselword wylde xl Huylsnack hulsnack xli Honeswarwe is aheyle ij Hasselnote sint kolder nature xli Hauer wasset aldermeyst xli Hennepsad is heyt vnde droge xli Hertestunge scolopendria xli Huslock semperuiuum xli Hundesblomen caclafedida xlij Hundestunge cinoglossa xlij Hertekele hackele acutella xlij hamerslach fuligo xlij Hulsz cameleon den wytten xliij

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Zitationshilfe: [N. N.]: Promptuarium Medicinae, niederdeutsch. Magdeburg, 1483, S. . In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 03.12.2024.