Sperander [i. e. Gladov, Friedrich]: Sorgfältiger Negotiant und Wechßler. Leipzig, 1706.Deribands Large 7560. pieces ß. 73/4. at 8. Dito Small 4000. pieces at ß 63/4. Byrampauts 681. pieces ß. 13. Baffts broad vvhite 3000. pieces ß. 11. at 131/2. Dito blevv 1440. ß. 12. 13. 21. Baffts brovvn 3100, pieces at ß. 101/2. Dito Narrovv vvhite 1725. pieces ß. 81/2. 10. Baffts Narrovv brovvn 1055. pieces ß. 8. Baffts Narrovv quilted 4. L. Sovaguzzees vvhite 2220. pieces ß. 93/4. 11 1/3 . 111/2. 12. Dito quilted at 5. L. Atlas Culgies 511. pieces ß. 45. 70. Taffaties striped 300. pieces ß. 461/2. Taffaties strip' d' and flovvrd ß. 54. Pallampores 540. pieces ß. 412. Velvets black. 29. pieces 3. L. 10. ß. Gold and Silver vvrought sattins 16. pieces L. 14. Velvets 30. pieces at 3. L. 10. ß. Paunches 874. pieces at 14. ß. Carpets Silver and Gold at 12. L. each to advance 1. ß. on each Carpet Momodies 1200. pieces 6. Quilts Silk to adv. 6. d. on each price 80. pieces sev. Colours ß. 15. 50. 60. 80. 95. Culgies 800. pieces ß. 35. Cuttanees plain 2400. pieces forted into Colours at is under vvrit- ten ß. 29. Note That the plain Cuttannees are distinguithed by the several Colours. Cloth, White, Yellovv, Red, bloe, pur- ple, Cinamon, Ash, Olive. Cuttanees striped 1200. pieces at ß. 34. Yellovv, Blevv, Green. Red, Cloth, Purple. Cuttanees flovvred 1200. pieces ß. 40. 35. pieces orange vvith vvhite, Clothvvith, Several Colours. Red, Striped flovvred viz. 65. pieces plain dito viz. Lemon, vvhite, Cloth, Red, Cina- mom, yellovv, blevv. 100. P
Deribands Large 7560. pieces ß. 7¾. at 8. Dito Small 4000. pieces at ß 6¾. Byrampauts 681. pieces ß. 13. Baffts broad vvhite 3000. pieces ß. 11. at 13½. Dito blevv 1440. ß. 12. 13. 21. Baffts brovvn 3100, pieces at ß. 10½. Dito Narrovv vvhite 1725. pieces ß. 8½. 10. Baffts Narrovv brovvn 1055. pieces ß. 8. Baffts Narrovv quilted 4. L. Sovaguzzees vvhite 2220. pieces ß. 9¾. 11⅓. 11½. 12. Dito quilted at 5. L. Atlas Culgies 511. pieces ß. 45. 70. Taffaties ſtriped 300. pieces ß. 46½. Taffaties ſtrip’ d’ and flovvrd ß. 54. Pallampores 540. pieces ß. 412. Velvets black. 29. pieces 3. L. 10. ß. Gold and Silver vvrought ſattins 16. pieces L. 14. Velvets 30. pieces at 3. L. 10. ß. Paunches 874. pieces at 14. ß. Carpets Silver and Gold at 12. L. each to advance 1. ß. on each Carpet Momodies 1200. pieces 6. Quilts Silk to adv. 6. d. on each price 80. pieces ſev. Colours ß. 15. 50. 60. 80. 95. Culgies 800. pieces ß. 35. Cuttanees plain 2400. pieces forted into Colours at is under vvrit- ten ß. 29. Note That the plain Cuttannees are diſtinguithed by the ſeveral Colours. Cloth, White, Yellovv, Red, bloe, pur- ple, Cinamon, Ash, Olive. Cuttanees ſtriped 1200. pieces at ß. 34. Yellovv, Blevv, Green. Red, Cloth, Purple. Cuttanees flovvred 1200. pieces ß. 40. 35. pieces orange vvith vvhite, Clothvvith, Several Colours. Red, Striped flovvred viz. 65. pieces plain dito viz. Lemon, vvhite, Cloth, Red, Cina- mom, yellovv, blevv. 100. P
<TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <pb facs="#f0125" n="113"/> <list> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Deribands Large 7560. pieces</hi> ß. 7¾. <hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 8.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Dito Small 4000. pieces at</hi> ß 6¾.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Byrampauts 681. pieces</hi> ß. 13.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Baffts broad vvhite 3000. pieces</hi> ß. 11. <hi rendition="#aq">at</hi> 13½.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Dito blevv</hi> 1440. ß. 12. 13. 21.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Baffts brovvn 3100, pieces at</hi> ß. 10½.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Dito Narrovv vvhite 1725. pieces</hi> ß. 8½. 10.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Baffts Narrovv brovvn 1055. pieces</hi> ß. 8.</item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Baffts Narrovv quilted 4. L.</hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Sovaguzzees vvhite 2220. pieces</hi> ß. 9¾. 11⅓. 11½. 12.</item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Dito quilted at 5. L.</hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Atlas Culgies 511. pieces</hi> ß. 45. 70.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Taffaties ſtriped 300. pieces</hi> ß. 46½.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Taffaties ſtrip’ d’ and flovvrd</hi> ß. 54.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Pallampores 540. pieces</hi> ß. 412.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Velvets black. 29. pieces 3. L.</hi> 10. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Gold and Silver vvrought ſattins 16. pieces L.</hi> 14.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Velvets 30. pieces at 3. L.</hi> 10. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Paunches 874. pieces at</hi> 14. ß.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Carpets Silver and Gold at 12. L. each to advance</hi> 1. ß. <hi rendition="#aq">on each<lb/> Carpet</hi></item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Momodies 1200. pieces</hi> 6.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Quilts Silk to adv. 6. d. on each price 80. pieces ſev. Colours</hi> ß. 15.<lb/> 50. 60. 80. 95.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Culgies 800. pieces</hi> ß. 35.</item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Cuttanees plain 2400. pieces forted into Co</hi>l<hi rendition="#aq">ours at is under vvrit-<lb/> ten</hi> ß. 29.</item><lb/> <item> <hi rendition="#aq">Note That the plain Cuttannees are diſtinguithed by the ſeveral<lb/> Colours. Cloth, White, Yellovv, Red, bloe, pur-<lb/> ple, Cinamon, Ash, Olive.</hi> </item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Cuttanees ſtriped 1200. pieces at</hi> ß. 34. <hi rendition="#aq">Yellovv, Blevv, Green. Red,<lb/> Cloth, Purple.</hi></item><lb/> <item><hi rendition="#aq">Cuttanees flovvred 1200. pieces</hi> ß. 40.</item><lb/> <item>35. <hi rendition="#aq">pieces orange vvith vvhite, Clothvvith, Several Colours.<lb/> Red, S</hi>t<hi rendition="#aq">riped flovvred viz.</hi></item><lb/> <item>65. <hi rendition="#aq">pieces plain dito viz. Lemon, vvhite, Cloth, Red, Cina-<lb/> mom, yellovv, blevv.</hi></item> </list><lb/> <fw place="bottom" type="sig"> <hi rendition="#aq">P</hi> </fw> <fw place="bottom" type="catch">100.</fw><lb/> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [113/0125]
Deribands Large 7560. pieces ß. 7¾. at 8.
Dito Small 4000. pieces at ß 6¾.
Byrampauts 681. pieces ß. 13.
Baffts broad vvhite 3000. pieces ß. 11. at 13½.
Dito blevv 1440. ß. 12. 13. 21.
Baffts brovvn 3100, pieces at ß. 10½.
Dito Narrovv vvhite 1725. pieces ß. 8½. 10.
Baffts Narrovv brovvn 1055. pieces ß. 8.
Baffts Narrovv quilted 4. L.
Sovaguzzees vvhite 2220. pieces ß. 9¾. 11⅓. 11½. 12.
Dito quilted at 5. L.
Atlas Culgies 511. pieces ß. 45. 70.
Taffaties ſtriped 300. pieces ß. 46½.
Taffaties ſtrip’ d’ and flovvrd ß. 54.
Pallampores 540. pieces ß. 412.
Velvets black. 29. pieces 3. L. 10. ß.
Gold and Silver vvrought ſattins 16. pieces L. 14.
Velvets 30. pieces at 3. L. 10. ß.
Paunches 874. pieces at 14. ß.
Carpets Silver and Gold at 12. L. each to advance 1. ß. on each
Momodies 1200. pieces 6.
Quilts Silk to adv. 6. d. on each price 80. pieces ſev. Colours ß. 15.
50. 60. 80. 95.
Culgies 800. pieces ß. 35.
Cuttanees plain 2400. pieces forted into Colours at is under vvrit-
ten ß. 29.
Note That the plain Cuttannees are diſtinguithed by the ſeveral
Colours. Cloth, White, Yellovv, Red, bloe, pur-
ple, Cinamon, Ash, Olive.
Cuttanees ſtriped 1200. pieces at ß. 34. Yellovv, Blevv, Green. Red,
Cloth, Purple.
Cuttanees flovvred 1200. pieces ß. 40.
35. pieces orange vvith vvhite, Clothvvith, Several Colours.
Red, Striped flovvred viz.
65. pieces plain dito viz. Lemon, vvhite, Cloth, Red, Cina-
mom, yellovv, blevv.
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URL zu diesem Werk: | https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/sperander_negotiant_1706 |
URL zu dieser Seite: | https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/sperander_negotiant_1706/125 |
Zitationshilfe: | Sperander [i. e. Gladov, Friedrich]: Sorgfältiger Negotiant und Wechßler. Leipzig, 1706, S. 113. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <https://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/sperander_negotiant_1706/125>, abgerufen am 16.02.2025. |