Klostermann, Rudolf: Das geistige Eigenthum an Schriften, Kunstwerken und Erfindungen. Bd. 2. Berlin, 1869.Einführungs- und Verbesserungspatente. Bei Verbesserungspatenten, welche von dem Inha- sect. 25. Where upon any appliction made after the passing of this act, letters patent are granted in the United Kingdom for or in respect of any invention, first invented in any foreign country or by the sub- ject of any foreign power or state, and a patent or like privilege for the monopoly or exclusive use or exercise of such invention in any foreign country is there obtained before the grant of such letters pa- tent in the United Kingdom, all rights and privileges under such let- ters patent shall (notwithstanding any term in such letters patent li- mited) cease and be void immediately upon the expiration of the term during wich the patent or like privilege obtained in such foreign coun- try shall continue in force, or where more than one such patent or like privilege is obtained abroad, immediately upon the expiration or determination of the term which shall first expire or be determined of such several patents or like privileges; provided always that on let- ters patent for or in respect of any invention, for which any such patent or like privilege as aforesaid shall have been obtained in any foreign country and which shall be granted in the said United King- dom after the expiration of the term for which such patent or pri- vilege was granted or was in force, shall be of no validity. Französ. Gesetz v. 5. Juli 1844. Art. 29. L'auteur d'une inven- tion ou decouverte deja brevetee a l'etranger pourra obtenir un brevet en France mais la duree de ce brevet ne pourra exceder celle des brevets anterieurement pris a l'etranger. Vergl. Oesterreich. Gesetz v. 15. August 1852. §. 9 c. -- Bayer. Gesetz v. 10. Februar 1842. §. 4. -- Würtemberg. Allg. Gewerbeordnung v. 5. August 1836. Art. 141. -- Belg. Gesetz. v. 24. Mai 1854. Art. 3. -- Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859. Art. 11. -- Niederländ. Gesetz v. 15. Januar 1817. Art. 5. -- Russ. Digesten h. t. §. 122. -- Portug. Gesetz v. 16. Januar 1837. Art. 10. 1) Nordamer. Statut v. 4. Juli 1836 sect. 13. -- Französ. Gesetz
v. 5. Juli 1844 Art. 16. 17. -- Belg. Gesetz v. 24. Mai 1854 Art. 15. 16. -- Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859 Art. 16. 26. 27. Einführungs- und Verbesserungspatente. Bei Verbesserungspatenten, welche von dem Inha- sect. 25. Where upon any appliction made after the passing of this act, letters patent are granted in the United Kingdom for or in respect of any invention, first invented in any foreign country or by the sub- ject of any foreign power or state, and a patent or like privilege for the monopoly or exclusive use or exercise of such invention in any foreign country is there obtained before the grant of such letters pa- tent in the United Kingdom, all rights and privileges under such let- ters patent shall (notwithstanding any term in such letters patent li- mited) cease and be void immediately upon the expiration of the term during wich the patent or like privilege obtained in such foreign coun- try shall continue in force, or where more than one such patent or like privilege is obtained abroad, immediately upon the expiration or determination of the term which shall first expire or be determined of such several patents or like privileges; provided always that on let- ters patent for or in respect of any invention, for which any such patent or like privilege as aforesaid shall have been obtained in any foreign country and which shall be granted in the said United King- dom after the expiration of the term for which such patent or pri- vilege was granted or was in force, shall be of no validity. Französ. Gesetz v. 5. Juli 1844. Art. 29. L’auteur d’une inven- tion ou découverte déja brevetée à l’étranger pourra obtenir un brevet en France mais la durée de ce brevet ne pourra excéder celle des brevets antérieurement pris à l’étranger. Vergl. Oesterreich. Gesetz v. 15. August 1852. §. 9 c. — Bayer. Gesetz v. 10. Februar 1842. §. 4. — Würtemberg. Allg. Gewerbeordnung v. 5. August 1836. Art. 141. — Belg. Gesetz. v. 24. Mai 1854. Art. 3. — Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859. Art. 11. — Niederländ. Gesetz v. 15. Januar 1817. Art. 5. — Russ. Digesten h. t. §. 122. — Portug. Gesetz v. 16. Januar 1837. Art. 10. 1) Nordamer. Statut v. 4. Juli 1836 sect. 13. — Französ. Gesetz
v. 5. Juli 1844 Art. 16. 17. — Belg. Gesetz v. 24. Mai 1854 Art. 15. 16. — Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859 Art. 16. 26. 27. <TEI> <text> <body> <div n="1"> <div n="2"> <div n="3"> <pb facs="#f0186" n="159"/> <fw place="top" type="header">Einführungs- und Verbesserungspatente.</fw><lb/> <p>Bei <hi rendition="#g">Verbesserungspatenten,</hi> welche von dem Inha-<lb/> ber eines noch laufenden Patentes für eine Verbesserung seiner<lb/> patentirten Erfindung nachgesucht werden, steht es nach eini-<lb/> gen Gesetzgebungen in der Wahl des Erfinders, ob er ein<lb/> neues Patent mit der für Erfindungspatente allgemein bestimm-<lb/> ten Dauer lösen, oder nur für die Dauer des noch laufenden<lb/> Patentes letzteres auf die neu erfundene Verbesserung ausdeh-<lb/> nen will (vergl. oben S. 64). Wählt er das Letztere, so erhält<lb/> er ein sogenanntes Zusatzpatent <hi rendition="#i">(certificat d’addition)</hi>, für wel-<lb/> ches nicht die gewöhnliche Patentabgabe, sondern eine geringe<lb/> Ausfertigungsgebühr zu entrichten ist<note place="foot" n="1)">Nordamer. Statut v. 4. Juli 1836 sect. 13. — Französ. Gesetz<lb/> v. 5. Juli 1844 Art. 16. 17. — Belg. Gesetz v. 24. Mai 1854 Art. 15. 16.<lb/> — Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859 Art. 16. 26. 27.</note>.</p><lb/> <p> <note xml:id="seg2pn_17_2" prev="#seg2pn_17_1" place="foot" n="6)">sect. 25. Where upon any appliction made after the passing of this act,<lb/> letters patent are granted in the United Kingdom for or in respect<lb/> of any invention, first invented in any foreign country or by the sub-<lb/> ject of any foreign power or state, and a patent or like privilege for<lb/> the monopoly or exclusive use or exercise of such invention in any<lb/> foreign country is there obtained before the grant of such letters pa-<lb/> tent in the United Kingdom, all rights and privileges under such let-<lb/> ters patent shall (notwithstanding any term in such letters patent li-<lb/> mited) cease and be void immediately upon the expiration of the term<lb/> during wich the patent or like privilege obtained in such foreign coun-<lb/> try shall continue in force, or where more than one such patent or<lb/> like privilege is obtained abroad, immediately upon the expiration or<lb/> determination of the term which shall first expire or be determined<lb/> of such several patents or like privileges; provided always that on let-<lb/> ters patent for or in respect of any invention, for which any such<lb/> patent or like privilege as aforesaid shall have been obtained in any<lb/> foreign country and which shall be granted in the said United King-<lb/> dom after the expiration of the term for which such patent or pri-<lb/> vilege was granted or was in force, shall be of no validity.<lb/> Französ. Gesetz v. 5. Juli 1844. Art. 29. L’auteur d’une inven-<lb/> tion ou découverte déja brevetée à l’étranger pourra obtenir un brevet<lb/> en France mais la durée de ce brevet ne pourra excéder celle des<lb/> brevets antérieurement pris à l’étranger. Vergl. Oesterreich. Gesetz v.<lb/> 15. August 1852. §. 9 c. — Bayer. Gesetz v. 10. Februar 1842. §. 4. —<lb/> Würtemberg. Allg. Gewerbeordnung v. 5. August 1836. Art. 141. — Belg.<lb/> Gesetz. v. 24. Mai 1854. Art. 3. — Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859.<lb/> Art. 11. — Niederländ. Gesetz v. 15. Januar 1817. Art. 5. — Russ.<lb/> Digesten h. t. §. 122. — Portug. Gesetz v. 16. Januar 1837. Art. 10.</note> </p><lb/> </div> </div> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> [159/0186]
Einführungs- und Verbesserungspatente.
Bei Verbesserungspatenten, welche von dem Inha-
ber eines noch laufenden Patentes für eine Verbesserung seiner
patentirten Erfindung nachgesucht werden, steht es nach eini-
gen Gesetzgebungen in der Wahl des Erfinders, ob er ein
neues Patent mit der für Erfindungspatente allgemein bestimm-
ten Dauer lösen, oder nur für die Dauer des noch laufenden
Patentes letzteres auf die neu erfundene Verbesserung ausdeh-
nen will (vergl. oben S. 64). Wählt er das Letztere, so erhält
er ein sogenanntes Zusatzpatent (certificat d’addition), für wel-
ches nicht die gewöhnliche Patentabgabe, sondern eine geringe
Ausfertigungsgebühr zu entrichten ist 1).
1) Nordamer. Statut v. 4. Juli 1836 sect. 13. — Französ. Gesetz
v. 5. Juli 1844 Art. 16. 17. — Belg. Gesetz v. 24. Mai 1854 Art. 15. 16.
— Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859 Art. 16. 26. 27.
6) sect. 25. Where upon any appliction made after the passing of this act,
letters patent are granted in the United Kingdom for or in respect
of any invention, first invented in any foreign country or by the sub-
ject of any foreign power or state, and a patent or like privilege for
the monopoly or exclusive use or exercise of such invention in any
foreign country is there obtained before the grant of such letters pa-
tent in the United Kingdom, all rights and privileges under such let-
ters patent shall (notwithstanding any term in such letters patent li-
mited) cease and be void immediately upon the expiration of the term
during wich the patent or like privilege obtained in such foreign coun-
try shall continue in force, or where more than one such patent or
like privilege is obtained abroad, immediately upon the expiration or
determination of the term which shall first expire or be determined
of such several patents or like privileges; provided always that on let-
ters patent for or in respect of any invention, for which any such
patent or like privilege as aforesaid shall have been obtained in any
foreign country and which shall be granted in the said United King-
dom after the expiration of the term for which such patent or pri-
vilege was granted or was in force, shall be of no validity.
Französ. Gesetz v. 5. Juli 1844. Art. 29. L’auteur d’une inven-
tion ou découverte déja brevetée à l’étranger pourra obtenir un brevet
en France mais la durée de ce brevet ne pourra excéder celle des
brevets antérieurement pris à l’étranger. Vergl. Oesterreich. Gesetz v.
15. August 1852. §. 9 c. — Bayer. Gesetz v. 10. Februar 1842. §. 4. —
Würtemberg. Allg. Gewerbeordnung v. 5. August 1836. Art. 141. — Belg.
Gesetz. v. 24. Mai 1854. Art. 3. — Italien. Gesetz v. 30. October 1859.
Art. 11. — Niederländ. Gesetz v. 15. Januar 1817. Art. 5. — Russ.
Digesten h. t. §. 122. — Portug. Gesetz v. 16. Januar 1837. Art. 10.
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