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Clodius, Christian August Heinrich: Entwurf einer systematischen Poetik nebst Collectaneen zu ihrer Ausführung. Erster Theil. Leipzig, 1804.

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lain, be sure thou prove my love a whore
. (Das p1c_102.002
Heftige entfernt sich, je mehr es sich dem Schrecklichen nähert, p1c_102.003
vom Schönen, die Ausdrücke werden gemeiner, wirksamer.) p1c_102.004
Be sure of it. Give me the ocular proof! p1c_102.005
(den Jago bey der Kehle packend) Or by the worth of p1c_102.006
mine eternal soul, thou hadst been better have been p1c_102.007
born a dog, than answer my wak'd wrath. - By p1c_102.008
the world, i think my wife be honest, and think p1c_102.009
she is not, i think that thou art just, and think thou p1c_102.010
art not
(welche Kraft in dieser einfachen nothwendigen Antithese p1c_102.011
des Zweifelns!) I'll have some proof: my name, p1c_102.012
that was as fresh, as Dians visage, is now begrim'd p1c_102.013
and black, as mine own face. - If there be cords, p1c_102.014
or knives, poison, or fire, or suffocating streams, p1c_102.015
i'll not indure it. - Would, i were satisfied
! - Was p1c_102.016
kann angreifender seyn, als das Gefühl des getäuschten p1c_102.017
Vertrauens, um so mehr, wo schon Anlage zur Eifersucht p1c_102.018
da ist. Othello hört Jago's Erzählung, unterbricht sie mit p1c_102.019
kurzen Worten der Wuth. O monstrous - monstrous p1c_102.020
- O, that the slave had forty thousand lives, One p1c_102.021
is too poor, too weak for my revenge. Now do i p1c_102.022
see 'tis true. - Look here, Jago. All my fond p1c_102.023
love thus do i blow to heaven! 'tis gone
. - Und wie p1c_102.024
Jago die Geschichte vom Schnupftuch vorbringt, geräth er p1c_102.025
in volle Wuth und spricht abgebrochen, wie ein Rasender. p1c_102.026
Lie with her! lie on her! - we say lie on her, p1c_102.027
when they belie her. Lie with her! thats fulsome. p1c_102.028
Handkerchief - confessions - handkerchief - to

lain, be sure thou prove my love a whore
. (Das p1c_102.002
Heftige entfernt sich, je mehr es sich dem Schrecklichen nähert, p1c_102.003
vom Schönen, die Ausdrücke werden gemeiner, wirksamer.) p1c_102.004
Be sure of it. Give me the ocular proof! p1c_102.005
(den Jago bey der Kehle packend) Or by the worth of p1c_102.006
mine eternal soul, thou hadst been better have been p1c_102.007
born a dog, than answer my wak'd wrath. ─ By p1c_102.008
the world, i think my wife be honest, and think p1c_102.009
she is not, i think that thou art just, and think thou p1c_102.010
art not
(welche Kraft in dieser einfachen nothwendigen Antithese p1c_102.011
des Zweifelns!) I'll have some proof: my name, p1c_102.012
that was as fresh, as Dians visage, is now begrim'd p1c_102.013
and black, as mine own face. ─ If there be cords, p1c_102.014
or knives, poison, or fire, or suffocating streams, p1c_102.015
i'll not indure it. ─ Would, i were satisfied
! ─ Was p1c_102.016
kann angreifender seyn, als das Gefühl des getäuschten p1c_102.017
Vertrauens, um so mehr, wo schon Anlage zur Eifersucht p1c_102.018
da ist. Othello hört Jago's Erzählung, unterbricht sie mit p1c_102.019
kurzen Worten der Wuth. O monstrous ─ monstrous p1c_102.020
─ O, that the slave had forty thousand lives, One p1c_102.021
is too poor, too weak for my revenge. Now do i p1c_102.022
see 'tis true. ─ Look here, Jago. All my fond p1c_102.023
love thus do i blow to heaven! 'tis gone
. ─ Und wie p1c_102.024
Jago die Geschichte vom Schnupftuch vorbringt, geräth er p1c_102.025
in volle Wuth und spricht abgebrochen, wie ein Rasender. p1c_102.026
Lie with her! lie on her! ─ we say lie on her, p1c_102.027
when they belie her. Lie with her! thats fulsome. p1c_102.028
Handkerchief ─ confessions ─ handkerchief ─ to

      <div n="1">
        <div n="2">
          <p><hi rendition="#aq"><pb facs="#f0160" n="102"/><lb n="p1c_102.001"/>
lain, be sure thou prove my love a <hi rendition="#g">whore</hi></hi>. (Das <lb n="p1c_102.002"/>
Heftige entfernt sich, je mehr es sich dem Schrecklichen nähert, <lb n="p1c_102.003"/>
vom Schönen, die Ausdrücke werden gemeiner, wirksamer.) <lb n="p1c_102.004"/> <hi rendition="#aq">Be sure of it. Give me the ocular proof</hi>! <lb n="p1c_102.005"/>
(den Jago bey der Kehle packend) <hi rendition="#aq">Or by the worth of <lb n="p1c_102.006"/>
mine eternal soul, thou hadst been better have been <lb n="p1c_102.007"/>
born a dog, than answer my wak'd wrath. &#x2500; By <lb n="p1c_102.008"/>
the world, i think my wife be honest, and think <lb n="p1c_102.009"/>
she is not, i think that thou art just, and think thou <lb n="p1c_102.010"/>
art not</hi> (welche Kraft in dieser einfachen nothwendigen Antithese <lb n="p1c_102.011"/>
des Zweifelns!) <hi rendition="#aq">I'll have some proof: my name, <lb n="p1c_102.012"/>
that was as fresh, as Dians visage, is now begrim'd <lb n="p1c_102.013"/>
and black, as mine own face. &#x2500; If there be cords, <lb n="p1c_102.014"/>
or knives, poison, or fire, or suffocating streams, <lb n="p1c_102.015"/>
i'll not indure it. &#x2500; Would, i were satisfied</hi>! &#x2500; Was <lb n="p1c_102.016"/>
kann angreifender seyn, als das Gefühl des getäuschten <lb n="p1c_102.017"/>
Vertrauens, um so mehr, wo schon Anlage zur Eifersucht <lb n="p1c_102.018"/>
da ist. Othello hört Jago's Erzählung, unterbricht sie mit <lb n="p1c_102.019"/>
kurzen Worten der Wuth. <hi rendition="#aq">O monstrous &#x2500; monstrous <lb n="p1c_102.020"/>
&#x2500; O, that the slave had forty thousand lives, One <lb n="p1c_102.021"/>
is too poor, too weak for my revenge. Now do i <lb n="p1c_102.022"/>
see 'tis true. &#x2500; Look here, Jago. All my fond <lb n="p1c_102.023"/>
love thus do i blow to heaven! 'tis gone</hi>. &#x2500; Und wie <lb n="p1c_102.024"/>
Jago die Geschichte vom Schnupftuch vorbringt, geräth er <lb n="p1c_102.025"/>
in volle Wuth und spricht abgebrochen, wie ein Rasender. <lb n="p1c_102.026"/> <hi rendition="#aq">Lie with her! lie on her! &#x2500; we say lie on her, <lb n="p1c_102.027"/>
when they belie her. Lie with her! thats fulsome. <lb n="p1c_102.028"/>
Handkerchief &#x2500; confessions &#x2500; handkerchief &#x2500; to
[102/0160] p1c_102.001 lain, be sure thou prove my love a whore. (Das p1c_102.002 Heftige entfernt sich, je mehr es sich dem Schrecklichen nähert, p1c_102.003 vom Schönen, die Ausdrücke werden gemeiner, wirksamer.) p1c_102.004 Be sure of it. Give me the ocular proof! p1c_102.005 (den Jago bey der Kehle packend) Or by the worth of p1c_102.006 mine eternal soul, thou hadst been better have been p1c_102.007 born a dog, than answer my wak'd wrath. ─ By p1c_102.008 the world, i think my wife be honest, and think p1c_102.009 she is not, i think that thou art just, and think thou p1c_102.010 art not (welche Kraft in dieser einfachen nothwendigen Antithese p1c_102.011 des Zweifelns!) I'll have some proof: my name, p1c_102.012 that was as fresh, as Dians visage, is now begrim'd p1c_102.013 and black, as mine own face. ─ If there be cords, p1c_102.014 or knives, poison, or fire, or suffocating streams, p1c_102.015 i'll not indure it. ─ Would, i were satisfied! ─ Was p1c_102.016 kann angreifender seyn, als das Gefühl des getäuschten p1c_102.017 Vertrauens, um so mehr, wo schon Anlage zur Eifersucht p1c_102.018 da ist. Othello hört Jago's Erzählung, unterbricht sie mit p1c_102.019 kurzen Worten der Wuth. O monstrous ─ monstrous p1c_102.020 ─ O, that the slave had forty thousand lives, One p1c_102.021 is too poor, too weak for my revenge. Now do i p1c_102.022 see 'tis true. ─ Look here, Jago. All my fond p1c_102.023 love thus do i blow to heaven! 'tis gone. ─ Und wie p1c_102.024 Jago die Geschichte vom Schnupftuch vorbringt, geräth er p1c_102.025 in volle Wuth und spricht abgebrochen, wie ein Rasender. p1c_102.026 Lie with her! lie on her! ─ we say lie on her, p1c_102.027 when they belie her. Lie with her! thats fulsome. p1c_102.028 Handkerchief ─ confessions ─ handkerchief ─ to

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Zitationshilfe: Clodius, Christian August Heinrich: Entwurf einer systematischen Poetik nebst Collectaneen zu ihrer Ausführung. Erster Theil. Leipzig, 1804, S. 102. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 09.10.2024.