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[Humboldt, Alexander von]: Alexander von Humboldt [Beschreibung eines von Eduard Hildebrandt gemalten Aquarells]. [Berlin], [1856].

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Alexander von Humboldt
in his Library,
from a watercolor drawing by E. Hildebrandt.

Professor Edward Hildebrandt, Painter in Ordinary to His Majesty the King, has represented
the Traveller, his friend of many years standing, at work in his Library. The familiar objects,
which daily surround the person represented in his wonted haunts, are so apt to heighten the
interest of his picture by their characteristic individuality, that we are induced to mention a few
of the most easily recognized among them: - the Bust in bronze of the King, by our great
master Christian Rauch; - the Statuette of Her Majesty the Queen, in classical style, seated; -
the very rare Bust of the renowned navigator and discoverer Dom Henrique, Duke of Viseo,
after a miniature painting of the Infante, discovered in a spanish MS of the XVth Century at Paris
by M. Ferdinand Denis; - a Model of the Obelisk of Luxor, now at Paris, executed by the
able Sculptor L. Sussmann after a drawing by Dr. Brugsch the ingenious Aegyptologist.
Among the oil-paintings we would notice: - a very faithful representation from nature, by Pro-
fessor Bellermann, of the picturesque entrance to the Cave of Caripe (Cueva del Guacharo)
in South America, in the Missions of the Chaymas Indians, westward of the mouth of the Orinoco,
first described by Humboldt; - the design for the grand historical composition, the Death of
Leonardo da Vinci, a gift of the celebrated Dominique Ingres; - an excellent design for
Gustav Wegener's great historical landscape (in His Majesty's Collection), the hermitage of
St Basilius on the Armenian river Iris ; - and the attractive likeness of the accomplished artist Signora
Emma Gaggiotti-Richards, painted at Ancona and presented by herself. In the small apart-
ment in front of the Library, the further wall of which is ornamented by the grand Panorama of Rome
(an engraving by Giuseppe Vasi), we observe a portion of the Collection of Birds, and among
them the Nightbirds (los Guacharos, Humboldt's Steatornis Caripensis) found by thousands
in the above-mentioned Cave near Caripe, remarkable on account of their extreme scarcity in
zoological Collections. The same apartment, which serves as anteroom, contains 83 Folio Volumes
of the Chalcographie du Musee Royal, the splendid gift of His late Majesty King Louis
. A portion of the magnetic, astronomical and meteorological instruments, the Traveller's
faithful companions in the basin of the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers, in the Cordilleras, in the
Mexican Tableland and in Northern Asia, remind us of long years of varied travel and research.
It gives us a high idea of artistic genius to see how well the unity of effect is preserved not-
withstanding the multiplicity of objects surrounding the principal figure, which naturally tend by
their detail to disturb the general impression, - and how, in the original(*), repose and harmony
are spread over the whole by means of a masterly gradation of color, to which even the best
reproduction can not without difficulty attain.

(*) The original has been exhibited since the 14th of September 1856 in Baron Humboldt's apartments
at Berlin, (at the house, Nr. 67 Oranienburger-Strasse, belonging to Mr. Alexander Mendelssohn, one of
His Majesty's Privy Councillors of Commerce). It is the friendly gift of the Artist to Mr. John Seifert, who
accompanied the Traveller on his Siberian Expedition under the Government of the Emperor Nicholas.
Together with the property Mr. John Seifert has received the right of publication.
Alexander von Humboldt
in his Library,
from a watercolor drawing by E. Hildebrandt.

Professor Edward Hildebrandt, Painter in Ordinary to His Majesty the King, has represented
the Traveller, his friend of many years standing, at work in his Library. The familiar objects,
which daily surround the person represented in his wonted haunts, are so apt to heighten the
interest of his picture by their characteristic individuality, that we are induced to mention a few
of the most easily recognized among them: – the Bust in bronze of the King, by our great
master Christian Rauch; – the Statuette of Her Majesty the Queen, in classical style, seated; –
the very rare Bust of the renowned navigator and discoverer Dom Henrique, Duke of Viseo,
after a miniature painting of the Infante, discovered in a spanish MS of the XVth Century at Paris
by M. Ferdínand Denis; – a Model of the Obelisk of Luxor, now at Paris, executed by the
able Sculptor L. Sussmann after a drawing by Dr. Brugsch the ingenious Aegyptologist.
Among the oil-paintings we would notice: – a very faithful representation from nature, by Pro-
fessor Bellermann, of the picturesque entrance to the Cave of Caripe (Cueva del Guacharo)
in South America, in the Missions of the Chaymas Indians, westward of the mouth of the Orinoco,
first described by Humboldt; – the design for the grand historical composition, the Death of
Leonardo da Vinci, a gift of the celebrated Dominique Ingres; – an excellent design for
Gustav Wegener’s great historical landscape (in His Majesty’s Collection), the hermitage of
St Basilius on the Armenian river Iris ; – and the attractive likeness of the accomplished artist Signora
Emma Gaggiotti-Richards, painted at Ancona and presented by herself. In the small apart-
ment in front of the Library, the further wall of which is ornamented by the grand Panorama of Rome
(an engraving by Giuseppe Vasi), we observe a portion of the Collection of Birds, and among
them the Nightbirds (los Guacharos, Humboldt’s Steatornis Caripensis) found by thousands
in the above-mentioned Cave near Caripe, remarkable on account of their extreme scarcity in
zoological Collections. The same apartment, which serves as anteroom, contains 83 Folio Volumes
of the Chalcographie du Musée Royal, the splendid gift of His late Majesty King Louis
. A portion of the magnetic, astronomical and meteorological instruments, the Traveller’s
faithful companions in the basin of the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers, in the Cordilleras, in the
Mexican Tableland and in Northern Asia, remind us of long years of varied travel and research.
It gives us a high idea of artistic genius to see how well the unity of effect is preserved not-
withstanding the multiplicity of objects surrounding the principal figure, which naturally tend by
their detail to disturb the general impression, – and how, in the original(*), repose and harmony
are spread over the whole by means of a masterly gradation of color, to which even the best
reproduction can not without difficulty attain.

(*) The original has been exhibited since the 14th of September 1856 in Baron Humboldt’s apartments
at Berlin, (at the house, Nr. 67 Oranienburger-Strasse, belonging to Mr. Alexander Mendelssohn, one of
His Majesty’s Privy Councillors of Commerce). It is the friendly gift of the Artist to Mr. John Seifert, who
accompanied the Traveller on his Siberian Expedition under the Government of the Emperor Nicholas.
Together with the property Mr. John Seifert has received the right of publication.
      <pb facs="#f0005" n="[5]"/>
      <div xml:lang="eng" n="1">
        <head><hi rendition="#g"><persName ref="">Alexander von Humboldt</persName></hi><lb/><hi rendition="#smaller">in his Library,</hi><lb/>
from a <choice><sic>watercoler</sic><corr>watercolor</corr></choice> drawing by <persName ref="">E. Hildebrandt</persName>.</head><lb/>
        <milestone rendition="#hr" unit="section"/><lb/>
        <p>Professor <persName ref="">Edward Hildebrandt</persName>, Painter in Ordinary to <persName ref="">His Majesty the King</persName>, has represented<lb/>
the Traveller, his friend of many years standing, at work in his Library. The familiar objects,<lb/>
which daily surround the person represented in his wonted haunts, are so apt to heighten the<lb/>
interest of his picture by their characteristic individuality, that we are induced to mention a few<lb/>
of the most easily recognized among them: &#x2013; the Bust in bronze of the <persName><hi rendition="#g">King</hi></persName>, by our great<lb/>
master <persName ref="">Christian <hi rendition="#g">Rauch</hi></persName>; &#x2013; the Statuette of <persName ref="">Her Majesty the <hi rendition="#g">Queen</hi></persName>, in classical style, seated; &#x2013;<lb/>
the very rare Bust of the renowned navigator and discoverer <persName ref=""><hi rendition="#g">Dom Henrique, Duke of Viseo</hi></persName>,<lb/>
after a miniature painting of the Infante, discovered in a spanish MS of the XV<hi rendition="#sup">th</hi> Century at Paris<lb/>
by M. <persName ref="">Ferdínand <hi rendition="#g">Denis</hi></persName><note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Jean-Ferdinand Denis (13.8.1798-1.8.1890), französischer Forschungsreisender und Historiker.</note>; &#x2013; a Model of the <hi rendition="#g">Obelisk of Luxor</hi>, now at Paris, executed by the<lb/>
able Sculptor <persName ref="">L. <hi rendition="#g">Sussmann</hi></persName><note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Louis Sussmann-Hellborn (20.3.1828-15.8.1908), Bildhauer, Maler, Kunstsammler und Unternehmer.</note> after a drawing by Dr. <persName ref=""><hi rendition="#g">Brugsch</hi></persName> the ingenious Aegyptologist.<lb/>
Among the oil-paintings we would notice: &#x2013; a very faithful representation from nature, by Pro-<lb/>
fessor <persName ref="">Bellermann</persName><note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Ferdinand Konrad Bellermann (14.3.1814-11.8.1889), von Humboldt geförderter Landschaftsmaler. Das Bild gilt als verschollen.</note>, of the picturesque entrance to the <hi rendition="#g">Cave of Caripe</hi> (<hi rendition="#g">Cueva del Guacharo</hi>)<lb/>
in South America, in the Missions of the Chaymas Indians, westward of the mouth of the Orinoco,<lb/>
first described by <persName ref="">Humboldt</persName>; &#x2013; the design for the grand historical composition, the Death of<lb/><persName ref=""><hi rendition="#g">Leonardo da Vinci</hi></persName>, a gift of the celebrated <persName ref="">Dominique <hi rendition="#g">Ingres</hi></persName><note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres (29.8.1780-14.1.1867), französischer Maler.</note>; &#x2013; an excellent design for<lb/><persName ref="">Gustav <hi rendition="#g">Wegener</hi></persName>&#x2019;s<note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Carl Gustav Wegener (um 1812-18.2.1887), Landschafts- und Marinemaler; ab 1855 Königlich Preußischer Hofmaler.</note> great historical landscape (in <persName ref="">His Majesty</persName>&#x2019;s Collection), the hermitage of<lb/><persName ref="">S<hi rendition="#sup">t</hi> Basilius</persName> on the Armenian river Iris <note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Heute: Ye&#x015F;il&#x0131;rmak (wörtlich &#x201E;Grüner Fluss&#x201C;), Fluss im Norden der Türkei.</note>; &#x2013; and the attractive likeness of the accomplished artist Signora<lb/><persName ref="">Emma <hi rendition="#g">Gaggiotti-Richards</hi></persName>, painted at Ancona and presented by herself. In the small apart-<lb/>
ment in front of the Library, the further wall of which is ornamented by the grand Panorama of <hi rendition="#g">Rome</hi><lb/>
(an engraving by <persName ref=""><hi rendition="#g">Giuseppe Vasi</hi></persName><note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Giuseppe Vasi (27.8.1710-16.4.1782), italienischer Grafiker und Vedutenstecher.</note>), we observe a portion of the Collection of Birds, and among<lb/>
them the Nightbirds (<hi rendition="#g">los Guacharos</hi>, <persName ref="">Humboldt</persName>&#x2019;s <hi rendition="#g">Steatornis Caripensis</hi><note resp="#IS" type="editorial">Der Fettschwalm (Steatornis caripensis), auch Guácharo: die einzige rezente Art der Vogelfamilie der Fettschwalme (Steatornithidae).</note>) found by thousands<lb/>
in the above-mentioned Cave near Caripe, remarkable on account of their extreme scarcity in<lb/>
zoological Collections. The same apartment, which serves as anteroom, contains 83 Folio Volumes<lb/>
of the <hi rendition="#g">Chalcographie du Musée Royal</hi>, the splendid gift of His late Majesty King <persName ref=""><hi rendition="#g">Louis<lb/>
Philippe</hi></persName>. A portion of the magnetic, astronomical and meteorological instruments, the Traveller&#x2019;s<lb/>
faithful companions in the basin of the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers, in the Cordilleras, in the<lb/>
Mexican Tableland and in Northern Asia, remind us of long years of varied travel and research.<lb/>
It gives us a high idea of artistic genius to see how well the unity of effect is preserved not-<lb/>
withstanding the multiplicity of objects surrounding the principal figure, which naturally tend by<lb/>
their detail to disturb the general impression, &#x2013; and how, in the original<note place="foot" n="(*)">The original has been exhibited since the 14<hi rendition="#sup">th</hi> of September 1856 in Baron <persName ref="">Humboldt</persName>&#x2019;s apartments<lb/>
at Berlin, (at the house, Nr. 67 Oranienburger-Strasse, belonging to Mr. <persName ref="">Alexander <hi rendition="#g">Mendelssohn</hi></persName>, one of<lb/><persName ref=""><choice><abbr>H.</abbr><expan>His</expan></choice><choice><abbr>M.</abbr><expan>Majesty&#x2019;s</expan></choice></persName> Privy Councillors of Commerce). It is the friendly gift of the Artist to Mr. <persName ref="">John <hi rendition="#g">Seifert</hi></persName>, who<lb/>
accompanied the Traveller on his Siberian Expedition under the Government of the Emperor <hi rendition="#g"><persName ref="">Nicholas</persName></hi>.<lb/>
Together with the property Mr. <persName ref="">John Seifert</persName> has received the right of publication.</note>, repose and harmony<lb/>
are spread over the whole by means of a masterly gradation of color, to which even the best<lb/>
reproduction can not without difficulty attain.</p>
[[5]/0005] Alexander von Humboldt in his Library, from a watercolor drawing by E. Hildebrandt. Professor Edward Hildebrandt, Painter in Ordinary to His Majesty the King, has represented the Traveller, his friend of many years standing, at work in his Library. The familiar objects, which daily surround the person represented in his wonted haunts, are so apt to heighten the interest of his picture by their characteristic individuality, that we are induced to mention a few of the most easily recognized among them: – the Bust in bronze of the King, by our great master Christian Rauch; – the Statuette of Her Majesty the Queen, in classical style, seated; – the very rare Bust of the renowned navigator and discoverer Dom Henrique, Duke of Viseo, after a miniature painting of the Infante, discovered in a spanish MS of the XVth Century at Paris by M. Ferdínand Denis; – a Model of the Obelisk of Luxor, now at Paris, executed by the able Sculptor L. Sussmann after a drawing by Dr. Brugsch the ingenious Aegyptologist. Among the oil-paintings we would notice: – a very faithful representation from nature, by Pro- fessor Bellermann, of the picturesque entrance to the Cave of Caripe (Cueva del Guacharo) in South America, in the Missions of the Chaymas Indians, westward of the mouth of the Orinoco, first described by Humboldt; – the design for the grand historical composition, the Death of Leonardo da Vinci, a gift of the celebrated Dominique Ingres; – an excellent design for Gustav Wegener’s great historical landscape (in His Majesty’s Collection), the hermitage of St Basilius on the Armenian river Iris ; – and the attractive likeness of the accomplished artist Signora Emma Gaggiotti-Richards, painted at Ancona and presented by herself. In the small apart- ment in front of the Library, the further wall of which is ornamented by the grand Panorama of Rome (an engraving by Giuseppe Vasi), we observe a portion of the Collection of Birds, and among them the Nightbirds (los Guacharos, Humboldt’s Steatornis Caripensis) found by thousands in the above-mentioned Cave near Caripe, remarkable on account of their extreme scarcity in zoological Collections. The same apartment, which serves as anteroom, contains 83 Folio Volumes of the Chalcographie du Musée Royal, the splendid gift of His late Majesty King Louis Philippe. A portion of the magnetic, astronomical and meteorological instruments, the Traveller’s faithful companions in the basin of the Orinoco and Amazon Rivers, in the Cordilleras, in the Mexican Tableland and in Northern Asia, remind us of long years of varied travel and research. It gives us a high idea of artistic genius to see how well the unity of effect is preserved not- withstanding the multiplicity of objects surrounding the principal figure, which naturally tend by their detail to disturb the general impression, – and how, in the original (*), repose and harmony are spread over the whole by means of a masterly gradation of color, to which even the best reproduction can not without difficulty attain. (*) The original has been exhibited since the 14th of September 1856 in Baron Humboldt’s apartments at Berlin, (at the house, Nr. 67 Oranienburger-Strasse, belonging to Mr. Alexander Mendelssohn, one of H. M. Privy Councillors of Commerce). It is the friendly gift of the Artist to Mr. John Seifert, who accompanied the Traveller on his Siberian Expedition under the Government of the Emperor Nicholas. Together with the property Mr. John Seifert has received the right of publication.

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Zitationshilfe: [Humboldt, Alexander von]: Alexander von Humboldt [Beschreibung eines von Eduard Hildebrandt gemalten Aquarells]. [Berlin], [1856], S. [5]. In: Deutsches Textarchiv <>, abgerufen am 01.09.2024.